CSSE221: Software Dev. Honors Day 11 Pass in HW4 now Pass in HW4 now Fifteen due 11:59pm Fifteen due 11:59pm Announcements Announcements Questions on Fifteen? Questions on Fifteen? HW5 posted, due next Monday HW5 posted, due next Monday Anyone have 2 nd ed of Weiss (brown cover) Anyone have 2 nd ed of Weiss (brown cover) Next programming assignment posted Next programming assignment posted
Discussion of Round 1 Capsules Dr B’s comments Dr B’s comments How beneficial to your understanding did you find doing the research and summary? How beneficial to your understanding did you find doing the research and summary? Any concerns you have so far? Any concerns you have so far? Things you plan to do differently for round 2? Things you plan to do differently for round 2?
Capsules – Group 2 (Section 1) Generics McGinnis, Sullivan, Wentz Iterators (Boutell) Lists (concepts and using them)Devore, Priest Stacks & Queues Bennington, Lundgren, Skiles Sets, Maps, and PriorityQueuesBennett, Fishman, Smith Recursion Belton, Johnson, Speyer Search (sequential, binary, and efficiency)Crockett, Levey, Morrison
Capsules – Group 2 (Section 2) Generics Behling Dovalovsky, Stokes Iterators (Boutell) Lists (concepts and using them)Clute, Eckert, Nibert Stacks & Queues Bennett, Kruth, Reilly Sets, Maps, and PriorityQueuesHulette, Most Recursion Gates, Miller, Richardson Search (sequential, binary, and efficiency)Hein, Johnson, Rubin
How to do a capsule? Round 2: +Demo and Activity I still lecture (15-20 min). I still lecture (15-20 min). You still create a summary and quiz. You still create a summary and quiz. Now, you create the demonstration. Now, you create the demonstration. Code that shows a concept. Code that shows a concept. How will you know if your classmates are understanding it? How will you know if your classmates are understanding it? Now, you create a hands-on activity for the class, like? Now, you create a hands-on activity for the class, like? Start the demo code together (like SwingDemo) Start the demo code together (like SwingDemo) Have them extend the demo code (like SalariedEmployee) Have them extend the demo code (like SalariedEmployee) Do a kinesthetic activity (like having the class act out a sort method) Do a kinesthetic activity (like having the class act out a sort method) Use your creativity! Use your creativity!
More about the Demo/Activity Total time for both: ~25-30 minutes Total time for both: ~25-30 minutes Integrate your quiz with your demo/activity: Integrate your quiz with your demo/activity: 2-3 questions must relate to them. 2-3 questions must relate to them. Roles of Teammates: Roles of Teammates: 1. Demo Driver: explains the code and adds any live code 2. Roving Expert: checks if any students are having difficulties, asks if they need help 3. Questioner: chooses students to ask the questions on the quiz, asks them, and provides encouragement or corrective feedback as appropriate.
Capsule Deliverables By 7:30 am on the day you are presenting: By 7:30 am on the day you are presenting: the quiz, key, and summary to me (as before) the quiz, key, and summary to me (as before) Commit your demo to csse public Commit your demo to csse public Include your section number in the project name: csse221 Include your section number in the project name: csse221 Bring to class printed versions (as before): Bring to class printed versions (as before): 1 copy of summary 1 copy of summary 2 copies of key 2 copies of key Enough copies of quiz for the class (20) Enough copies of quiz for the class (20)
Capsule Rubric To give more detailed guidance ahead of time and feedback after you are done To give more detailed guidance ahead of time and feedback after you are done
This week: CarsTrucksTrains Monday: Monday: Project workday Project workday Tuesday: Tuesday: Generics (capsule) Generics (capsule) Iterators (capsule) Iterators (capsule) Thursday: Thursday: Lists (capsule) Lists (capsule) Implementation of linked lists Implementation of linked lists