1 CS 425 / CS 625 Software Engineering Fall 2009 Course Syllabus August 24, 2009
2 Outline The Instructor & the TAs The Instructor & the TAs The Students The Students The Course The Course The Texts The Texts Initial WWW Pointers Initial WWW Pointers Grading Scheme Grading Scheme Policies Policies A Look Ahead A Look Ahead Tentative Schedule Tentative Schedule
3 The Instructor & TAs Instructor: Sergiu Dascalu Instructor: Sergiu Dascalu –Room SEM-236 –Telephone – –Web-site –Office hours: WED 5:30 – 7:00 pm or by appointment or chance TAs (partial): TAs (partial): –Zack Norcross –Sohei Okamoto –Muhanna Muhanna Web-site
4 The Students Registration as of today: CS 425: 37 students Prerequisites: CS 446 Operating Systems, CH 201, ENG 102
5 The Course. Catalog description: Catalog description: Lecture + Lab: 3 + 0; Credit(s): 3 Requirements specifications, structured analysis, modeling, top down design, testability, maintainability, portability, verification and validation, modification, configuration, management, reliability, efficiency, complexity, compatibility, modularity, interfacing, hardware and language issues. (Major capstone course.) Pre-requisite: CS446 Outline : Outline : This course covers the software development process, from requirements elicitation and analysis, through specification and design, to implementation, integration, testing, and evolution (maintenance). [continued on next page]
6.The Course Outline [cont’d]: Outline [cont’d]: A variety of concepts, principles, techniques, and tools are presented, covering topics such as software processes, project management, people management, software requirements, system models, architectural and detailed design, user interface design, programming practices, verification and validation, and software evolution. Although the emphasis will be on modern, object- oriented approaches some more traditional, structured software engineering techniques will also be discussed.
7 The Texts Textbook: Textbook: [SE-8] Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 8 th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Lecture notes: Lecture notes: –Presentations by the instructor –Notes you take in the classroom –Additional material as indicated later by the instructor
8 Initial WWW Pointers Ian Sommerville’s web-page for the 8 th edition of his Software Engineering book: Ian Sommerville’s web-page for the 8 th edition of his Software Engineering book: andrews.ac.uk/~ifs/Books/SE8/index.html andrews.ac.uk/~ifs/Books/SE8/index.html The Software Engineering Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University: The Software Engineering Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University: The Object Management Group web-site: The Object Management Group web-site: More will be indicated later More will be indicated later
9 Grading Scheme.. Tentative (slight modifications are possible): Tentative (slight modifications are possible): – –Individual assignments 12% – –Team project 40% – –Midterm test 14% – –Final exam (comprehensive) 28% – –Class participation 6% TOTAL 100% Note that there are no make-up tests or homework in this course Poor class participation will impact significantly your grade, beyond 6% Poor class participation will impact significantly your grade, beyond 6%
10.Grading Scheme. Passing conditions (): Passing conditions (all must be met): –50% overall & –50% in tests (midterm test and final exam) & –50% in assignments, project, class participation For grade A: at least 90% overall and at least 90% in class participation For grade A: at least 90% overall and at least 90% in class participation
11..Grading Scheme In addition, for honors students a technical essay is required, worth 10%. In this essay you must obtain at least 50% (in addition to the passing conditions on the previous page). Thus, honors students will have a maximum possible of 110 points for the course. In addition, for honors students a technical essay is required, worth 10%. In this essay you must obtain at least 50% (in addition to the passing conditions on the previous page). Thus, honors students will have a maximum possible of 110 points for the course.
12 Grading Scale [regular] Numerical-letter grade correspondence (regular) Numerical-letter grade correspondence (regular) –A [maximum 100] –A –B –B –B –C –C –C –D –D –D –F< 50
13 Grading Scale [honors] Numerical-letter grade correspondence (honors) Numerical-letter grade correspondence (honors) –A 99 – 110 [maximum 110] –A –B –B –B –C –C –C –D –D –D –F< 55
14 Disability statement If you have a disability for which you need to request accommodations, please contact as soon as possible the instructors or the Disability Resource Center (Thompson Student Services - 107).
15 Policies.. Late submission policy: Late submission policy: – –Maximum 2 late days per assignment/project deliverable – –Each late day penalized with 10% – –No subdivision of late days – –Example: a 90/100 worth assignment gets 81/100 if one day late (90*0.9 = 81) or 72/100 if two days late (90*0.8 = 72)
16.Policies. Legal notices on the world-wide web: Read and comply with accompanying legal notices of downloadable material Legal notices on the world-wide web: Read and comply with accompanying legal notices of downloadable material Specify references used in assignments and project Specify references used in assignments and project Do not plagiarize (see next slide) Do not plagiarize (see next slide)
17..Policies Plagiarism and cheating: Will not be tolerated. Please read the policies of University of Nevada, Reno regarding academic dishonesty: Plagiarism and cheating: Will not be tolerated. Please read the policies of University of Nevada, Reno regarding academic dishonesty:
18 A Look Ahead….. The 7 parts of Ian Sommerville’s textbook on Software Engineering (8 th edition): The 7 parts of Ian Sommerville’s textbook on Software Engineering (8 th edition): –Overview –Requirements –Design –Development –Verification and Validation –Managing People –Emerging Technologies
19.A Look Ahead: tentative schedule…. Week #Dates (M, W)Contents 1Aug 24, 26Lectures [Overview] 2Sep 02, 04Lectures [Overview], A#1 given 3Sep --, 09Lecture [Overview] 4Sep 14, 16 Lectures [Requirements], A#2 given A#1 due 5Sep 21, 23Lectures [Requirements], Invited talk [IT] 6Sep 28, 30 Lecture [Requirements, Analysis], Project P#1 given, A#2 due 7Oct 5, 7Lectures [Design], Technical essay given [TESS]
20..A Look Ahead: tentative schedule… 8Oct 12, 14 Lectures [Design], P#2 given Project P#1 due 9Oct 19, 21Lectures [Design], Midterm [10/21] 10Oct 26, 28 Lectures [Design, Development], Project P#3 Given Project P#2 due 11Nov 02, 04Lectures [Development] 12Nov 09, -- Lecture [Verif. & Validation], Project P#4 given Project P#3 due 13Nov 16, 18Lecture [Verif. & Validation], Invited talk [IT] 14Nov 23, 25Lectures [Managing People] 15Nov 30, Dec 02 Lectures [Emerging Technologies] Technical essay (TESS) due 16Dec 07, - Project P#4 due, Demo (12/ 07 & 08) Final EXAM (12/14)
21 …A Look Ahead.. Summary of course objectives: Summary of course objectives: –Comprehensive study of software engineering concepts, principles, and techniques –Extensive coverage of the phases and activities of the software process –Study of several advanced software engineering topics such as real-time software designs, agile methods, and critical systems –Practical software development work within the framework of integrated development environments
22 ….A Look Ahead. Our intentions/expectations: Our intentions/expectations: –Provide guidance in the complex software engineering spectrum –Help you be better prepared for practical software development work –Open perspectives on software engineering Hope that you will both work hard and enjoy the work in this course
23 …..A Look Ahead Your intentions/expectations? Your intentions/expectations? –In what ways do you think this course could help your professional development? –What topics are you most interested in? –What suggestions do you have for the instructors and the course?
24 Course updates Only one midterm instead of two Only one midterm instead of two In project part #3, focus on analysis instead of design In project part #3, focus on analysis instead of design More emphasis on project prototyping More emphasis on project prototyping Hopefully, more project topics from industry Hopefully, more project topics from industry Likely, one short class presentation on project Likely, one short class presentation on project
25 Next classes WED Aug 26: WED Aug 26: –Class on the need for software engineering & short videos with well-known SE researchers and practitioners –Students’ introduction (be prepared to talk 1 minute or so about yourself)