6/27/2015 Lab 2 Instruments Used in the Lab and Their Uses
6/27/2015 Erlenmeyer Flask Used to measure large volumes of liquid 10mL – 2000mL
6/27/2015 Other kinds of flasks Volumetric Flask Florence Flask
6/27/2015 Other kinds of flasks The round bottom flask is used as: reaction flask distilling flask collection flask
6/27/2015 Reading an Erlenmeyer Flask
6/27/2015 Beaker & Beaker Tongs A general purpose item of glassware Used to measure volume of liquid 50 mL – 2000 mL
6/27/2015 Beaker & Beaker Tongs Used to handle hot beakers Do not work well for very small beakers or very large beakers
6/27/2015 Reading a Beaker
6/27/2015 Graduated Cylinders
6/27/2015 Volume of Liquids Reading a Meniscus
6/27/2015 Parafilm Flexible, thermoplastic, rolled, waterproof sheet interwound with paper to prevent adhering. Adheres quickly and firmly to itself, covering culture tube or flask mouths and sealing petri dish edges.
Plastic Pipettes Disposable
6/27/2015 Graduated Pipettes
6/27/2015 Graduated Pipettes
6/27/2015 Volumetric Pipette Has a single graduation that allows it to deliver one specific volume accurately. There are many different sizes of volumetric pipets (1-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-ml volumetric pipets are common).
6/27/2015 Pipet Fillers
6/27/2015 Thermometers The current thermometers range from -20° to 150°C. They are filled with a red liquid for easy reading
6/27/2015 Digital Thermometers These thermometers give the temperature reading with a digital readout.
6/27/2015 Test Tubes Used for holding small amounts of liquids and solids Sometimes reactions are done in test tubes
6/27/2015 Culture Tubes Screw cap test tube Snap on lids
6/27/2015 Test Tube Racks Test tube racks come in many styles
6/27/2015 Test Tube Holder Test tube holder is the holder made out of wire This small piece of equipment does nothing except hold test tubes The holder is used to hold test tubes when they are hot and untouchable.
6/27/2015 Funnels Three types of filtering funnels used in chemistry labs. From left to right: Buchner funnel and the grey rubber adaptor for it, stemmed funnel, and stemless funnel.
6/27/2015 Filter Paper
6/27/2015 Watch Glass Watch glasses are small, flat, round pieces of glassware. They are mainly used to dry and weigh solid compounds and to cover containers
6/27/2015 Ring Stand and Iron Ring Iron rings attach to a ring stand Have several uses
6/27/2015 Ring Stand Iron Ring Wire Guaze Bunsen Burner Striker
6/27/2015 Wire Mesh (guaze) Gauzes are the square-shaped pieces of mesh or screen When placed on top of a ring, they are good, flat supports for Erlenmeyer flasks and beakers in a variety of situations.
6/27/2015 Bunsen Burner common piece of laboratory equipment used for heating, sterilization, and combustion. safely burns a continuous stream of a flammable gas such as natural gasgasnatural gas
6/27/2015 Striker The striker has an advantage that it's longer than a match (avoid burning your fingers), and produces sparks, as opposed to an open flame, to light the burner.
6/27/2015 Crucible & Crucible Tongs
6/27/2015 Clay Triangle The triangle is used to hold crucibles when they are being heated. They usually sit on a ring stand
6/27/2015 Evaporating Dish used to heat and evaporate liquids.
6/27/2015 Spot Plate
6/27/2015 Mortar and Pestle Used to crush solids into powders for experiments, usually to better dissolve the solids.
6/27/2015 Glass Stir Rods Stir rods are long cylinders made of glass. They come in many sizes
6/27/2015 Clamps Connect to a ring stand at one end and to glassware at the other end. They are designed for clamping cylindrical shaped objects.
6/27/2015 Buret & Buret Clamp Very specialized piece of glassware used to accurately measure the volume of liquid that is dispensed.
6/27/2015 Forceps (“tweezers”) Forceps are used for any situation where you have to grab a small item and cannot do it with your fingers
6/27/2015 Spatulas Spatulas come in many sizes and shapes Spatulas are used for transferring solids Scoopula
6/27/2015 Dissecting tools Needle Scalpel
6/27/ Pan Balance
6/27/2015 Multi Beam Balance
6/27/2015 Electronic Balance Accurate to.01 grams Usually used to weigh solids Have 2 different kinds
6/27/2015 Analytical Balance Accurate to grams
6/27/2015 Weighing Containers
6/27/2015 Hot Plates
6/27/2015 Stir Bars A spin bar, or stir bar, long white Teflon-covered magnet. These bars have only one purpose: to stir solutions
6/27/2015 Meter Stick
Caliper Vernier caliper is a convenient tool to use when measuring the length of an object, the outer diameter (OD) of a round or cylindrical object, the inner diameter (ID) of a pipe, and the depth of a hole. The measurement is estimated to the hundredths position.
6/27/2015 Meter Stick and Ruler A meter stick is 39” or 100 cm long We will use rulers that are 12” or 6”
6/27/2015 Protractor for Measuring Angles
6/27/2015 Stopwatches
6/27/2015 Stoppers Stoppers come in many different sizes. May or may not have holes for thermometers
6/27/2015 Water Bottles
6/27/2015 Microscopes