chapter 13 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Digital Interactive Media
13-3 Chapter 13 Objectives Discuss the opportunities and challenges of digital interactive media Explain the evolution of interactive media Describe who uses the Internet and how they use it Debate the pros and cons of the Internet as an advertising medium Discuss the Net’s audience and the challenges involved in measuring it Explain how Internet advertising is sold and how it is priced Explore new and evolving digital interactive media Define the various kinds of Internet advertising
13-4 Digital Interactive Media U.S. growth in online ad spending
13-5 The Internet as a Medium Anatomy of the Internet
13-6 The Internet as a Medium Insert ex. 17-3, p. 545 Percent of online searches by search engine Position = 2.9” horiz., 1.5” vertical Size = 4.6” TALL Resolution: 300 dpi 2006 online search percentages by search engine
13-7 Who Uses the Internet How People Access the Internet NarrowbandCable ModemBroadband DSLSatelliteMSN TV Women City Dwellers Older Adults College Attendees The Internet as a Medium
13-8 The Internet as a Medium MSN TV 2 Web screen shows easy-to-use and interactive aspects of the World Wide Web incorporated directly into TV Insert photo 17.7, p. 555 MSN TV 2 web screen Position = 2.9” horiz., 1.5” vertical Size = 4.6” TALL Resolution: 300 dpi
13-9 The Internet as a Medium Types of Internet Ads Websites Banners and Buttons Sponsorship Classified Ads Rich MediaInterstitials Added Value Rich MailSpamCRM
13-10 The Internet as a Medium Internet ad revenues by ad type Insert ex. 17-8, p. 557 Percent of internet ad revenues Position = 2.9” horiz., 1.5” vertical Size = 4.6” TALL Resolution: 300 dpi
13-11 Measuring the Internet Audience StandardizationTracking Ad impressions Click rate Cookies Profiling PrivacyClick rate CPM
13-12 Buying Time and Space on the Internet Pricing methods Cost-per-thousands Click-throughs Affiliate marketing program Keyword
13-13 Kiosks Interactive TV (DVR) Cell phones Other Interactive Media Staples assists customers with stand-alone digital kiosks What are some forms of interactive media?