UNIT TWO The 4 Gospels
I. About The Gospels
What are Gospels? 1. Gospel- means “good news”? Used to be news about the king. For us, it’s about God’s kingdom. I. About Gospels A.
What are Gospels? 2. The 4 Gospels are sacred! They tell us the life story of Jesus. We stand when it is read. The priest kisses them in Mass. I. About Gospels A.
What are Gospels? 3. Gospels were written years after Jesus died. Based on the stories and accounts of people of the early Church. I. About Gospels A.
The 4 Gospels 1. Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Originally unnamed We don’t know who wrote them. I. About Gospels B.
The 4 Gospels 2. Synoptic Gospels- Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Very similar From the same source? I. About Gospels B.
The 4 Gospels 3. Each was inspired by God and written with a different purpose. I. About Gospels B.
The 4 Gospels 4. Mark- Jesus does amazing and exciting things! I. About Gospels B.
The 4 Gospels 5. Matthew- Jesus is the promised Messiah we (the Jews) have been waiting for! I. About Gospels B.
The 4 Gospels 6. Luke- Jesus is compassionate, and came to save the whole world. I. About Gospels B.
The 4 Gospels 7. John- Get a deeper insight and a closer look at Jesus. I. About Gospels B.
II. Matthew Symbol Winged human (angel) What we know about the author A Jewish Christian scribe. When it was written AD (50 years after Resurrection) Audience Jewish students and the Jewish people What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus was the Messiah for the Jewish people More about Jesus’ teachings and sayings Purpose Prove to the Jewish people that Jesus is their Messiah Other neat fact: Writes about “Kingdom of Heaven” instead of “Kingdom of God”
III. Mark Symbol Winged lion What we know about the author We think was a cousin of St. Barnabas, a friend and follower of Peter. When it was written AD st Gospel Written Audience Gentile Christians What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus is the suffering Messiah who suffers greatly to save us. Purpose For people to understand the suffering of Jesus Other neat fact: Mark’s Gospel is the shortest of the four.
IV. Luke Symbol Winged ox What we know about the author A friend of Saint Paul, we think he was “beloved physician” When it was written AD Audience Gentile Christians, especially the outcasts of the time What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus is compassionate, and came to save THE WHOLE WORLD, and not just the Jews. Purpose Share the good news to the Gentiles and outcasts. Other neat fact: It is the first of a two-volume work. Part 2 is Acts of the Apostles.
V. John Symbol Eagle What we know about the author Probably someone who knew John the Apostle. When it was written AD The last Gospel written Audience The early Church, Gentile Christians What it tells us about Jesus: Jesus’ life and ministry. Uses a lot of poetic and literary language to explain Jesus. Purpose Show that Jesus is the savior and Messiah Other neat fact: Read on Good Friday and Easter Sunday at Mass.