Chapter 2 Layered Protocol Remote Procedure Call(RPC) Communication Chapter 2 Layered Protocol Remote Procedure Call(RPC)
Communication Communication Process Four widely used models Protocol Form of layers Four widely used models RPC RMI MOM Stream
Layered Protocols (1) Layers, interfaces, and protocols in the OSI model. 2-1
Layered Protocols (2) A typical message as it appears on the network. 2-2
Layered Protocol Lower-Level Protocols Physical Layer Data Link Layer Network Layer Transport Protocol High Level Protocol Session and Presentation Protocols Application Protocols Middleware Protocols=>Application Layer
Physical Layer Transmitting 0s and 1s. Standardizing the electrical, mechanical, and signaling interface.
Data Link Layer Consider that, A wants to send 0 and 1 to B 2-3 Discussion between a receiver and a sender in the data link layer.
Network Layer WAN consists of large number of machine Message have to make a number of hops besides choosing an outgoing line to use. Primary task of network layer is to decide the best path – routing IP ATM Virtual channel and virtual path
Transport Protocols To ensure the reliable transport connection- without data loss Transport layer- breaks the information from appn layer into pieces, assign a sequence number, then send them all Connection less and connection oriented Transmission Control Protocol – de facto standard for network communication
Client-Server TCP Normal operation of TCP. Transactional TCP. 2-4
Higher Level Protocol Session and Presentation Protocols Application Protocols Middleware Protocols
Session and Presentation Protocols Session - Provides the dialogs control Keeps track of which party is currently talking Provide synchronous facility Insert checkpoint to long transfer Presentation – concern on the meaning of the bits send Record containing fields Names, addresses, amount of money etc.
Application Protocols Collection of standard network application Electronic mail File transfer Terminal emulation application
Middleware Protocols The application that logically live in appn layer Contains many general purpose protocols that warrant their own layers, independent of others, more specific application Security RPC,RMI, Message Queuing Service and Streaming
Middleware Protocols An adapted reference model for networked communication.
Conventional Procedure Call count = read(fd, buf, nbytes) // a call in C in a //single machine When a procedure is called, it usually makes use of the stack, pushing parameters onto the stack and reserving space for local variables: Parameter passing in a local procedure call: the stack before the call to read The stack while the called procedure is active
Client and Server Stubs Principle of RPC between a client and server program.
Steps of a Remote Procedure Call Client procedure calls client stub in normal way, The stub packages up the parameters into a network message. This is called marshalling. Client stub builds message, calls local OS Client's OS sends message to remote OS, This may be connection-oriented or connectionless. Remote OS gives message to server stub Server stub unpacks parameters, calls server Server does work, returns result to the stub Server stub packs it in message, calls local OS Server's OS sends message to client's OS Client's OS gives message to client stub Stub unpacks result, returns to client
Passing Value Parameters (1) 2-8 Steps involved in doing remote computation through RPC Parameter marshaling: packing parameters into a message
Without RPC Consider how you would implement a procedure to find the time on a remote machine as a string, using the IP socket calls: int remote_time(char *machine, char *time_buf) { struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; int sockfd; int nread; if (sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return 1; serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(machine); serv_addr.sin_port = htons(13); if (connect(sockfd, &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) return 2; nread = read(sockfd, time_buf, sizeof(time_buf)); time_buf[nread] = '\0'; close(sockfd); return 0; } This very obviously uses the network.
With RPC What RPC should look like? The network needs to be made invisible, so that everything looks just like ordinary procedure calls. The calling process would execute remote_time(machine, time_buf); All networking should be done by the RPC implementation, such as connecting to the remote machine. On the remote machine this simple function gets executed: int remote_time(char *time_buf) { struct tm *time; time_t t; time(&t); time = localtime(&t); strcpy(time_buf, asctime(time)); return 0; }
Stubs When the calling process calls a procedure, the action performed by that procedure will not be the actual code as written, but code that begins network communication. It has to connect to the remote machine, send all the parameters down to it, wait for replies, do the right thing to the stack and return. This is the client side stub. The server side stub has to wait for messages asking for a procedure to run. It has to read the parameters, and present them in a suitable form to execute the procedure locally. After execution,it has to send the results back to the calling process.
stub A stub is a small program routine that substitutes for a longer program, possibly to be loaded later or that is located remotely. For example, a program that uses Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) is compiled with stubs that substitute for the program that provides a requested procedure. The stub accepts the request and then forwards it (through another program) to the remote procedure. When that procedure has completed its service, it returns the results or other status to the stub which passes it back to the program that made the request.
Client Stub: ! Function that mimics the remote procedure in client’s address space (on client-node) Server Stub: ! Function that mimics a local caller (on behalf of the client) in the server’s address space(on server-side)
Example ServerSocket sock = null; try{ sock = new ServerSocket(5155); import*; import*; public class Server { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Socket client = null; PrintWriter pout = null; ServerSocket sock = null; try{ sock = new ServerSocket(5155); // now listen for connections while (true) { client = sock.accept(); // we have a connection pout = new PrintWriter(client.getOutputStream(), true); // write the Date to the socket pout.println(new java.util.Date().toString()); pout.close(); client.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe); finally { if (client != null) if (sock != null) sock.close();
try{ //make connection to the socket import*; import*; public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; BufferedReader bin = null; Socket sock = null; try{ //make connection to the socket sock = new Socket("",5155); in = sock.getInputStream(); bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String line; while ((line = bin.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(line); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe); finally { if (sock != null) sock.close();
Passing Value Parameters (2) The little numbers in boxes indicate the address of each byte. Original message on the Pentium (5, JILL) The message after receipt on the SPARC (5224, JILL) The message after being inverted (5, LLIJ)
Passing Reference Parameters count = read(fd, buf, nbytes) If the address of the buffer of second parameter is 1000 on the client Cannot just pass the reference number to the server Address 1000 on the server might be on the middle of program text. client server Call-by-reference is not possible in parameter passing. Program text
Passing Reference Parameters Solution client stub knows that the buf is in an array of characters. also knows how big the array is. so copy the array to the message and sent it to the server The server stub then call the server with the pointer to this array- process and send back to the client. copy-restore. A copy of the referenced data structure is sent to the server, and upon return to the client stub the client’s copy of the structure is replaced with the structure modified by the server.
Passing Reference Parameters(1) Hiding the remote procedure call require the caller and the callee agree on the format of the message. Use the same format Define in RPC interface-IDL Consist of collection of procedures that can be called by a client and implemented in the server
Parameter Specification and Stub Generation(2) The caller and the callee must agree on the format of the message they exchange, and they must follow the same steps when it comes to passing complex data structures (use same protocol). A procedure The corresponding message
Extended RPC Models:Doors A Door is a generic name for a procedure in the address space of a server process that can be called by processes co-located with the server. Doors require local OS support. Client pass the integer value; server retun the squere value -See Unix Network Programming: Steven page 357 The principle of using doors as IPC mechanism.
Extended RPC Models :Asynchronous RPC (1) 2-12 The interconnection between client and server in a traditional RPC The interaction using asynchronous RPC
Extended RPC Models:Asynchronous RPC (2) A client and server interacting through two asynchronous RPCs 2-13
Example: DCE RPC Distributed Computing Environment Open Software Foundation Middleware between existing network operating system and distributed application. Initially design for unix – Win NT
Services Distributed file service Directory service Security service Keep track of resources in the system Security service Distributed time service Clocks on the different machines globally synchronize
DCE stands for "Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Calls".
Writing a Client and a Server 2-14 The steps in writing a client and a server in DCE RPC.
Binding a Client to a Server Set up the communication between client and server software In order client to communicate with server – server must be registered and to accept the incoming call Client must know the server endpoint (port)to which it can send message. Port can be used by the server to distinguish between different process. Maintains by DCE daemon. 2-15 Client-to-server binding in DCE Client want to bind to a video server. Pass the name to directory server Directory server then return the network address of video server. Client goes to the DCE daemon – end point of the video server. RPC take place
RPC SUMMARY RPC is well-suited for client-server interaction where the flow of control alternates. User does not open connection, read, write, then close connection – client may not even know they are using the network. RPC may use TCP or UDP as the transport protocol Parameter/results marshaling issues Extended RPC models Example: SunRPC
Distributed object eg. CORBA & DCOM State- encapsulate data-distributed across multiple machine. Method –operation on those data Method are made available through interface Proxy at the client acting as stub in RPC The actual object reside in server machine Incoming invocation request a first pass to a server stub – skeleton Remote object – object on the other machine. The Common Object Requesting Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a standard defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) that enables software components written in multiple computer languages and running on multiple computers to work together.
DCOM DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) is a set of Microsoft concepts and program interfaces in which client program object s can request services from server program objects on other computers in a network. DCOM is based on the Component Object Model (COM), which provides a set of interfaces allowing clients and servers to communicate within the same computer (that is running Windows 95 or a later version). For example, you can create a page for a Web site that contains a script or program that can be processed (before being sent to a requesting user) not on the Web site server but on another, more specialized server in the network. Using DCOM interfaces, the Web server site program (now acting as a client object ) can forward a Remote Procedure Call ( RPC ) to the specialized server object, which provides the necessary processing and returns the result to the Web server site. It passes the result on to the Web page viewer. DCOM can also work on a network within an enterprise or on other networks besides the public Internet. It uses TCP/IP and Hypertext Transfer Protocol . DCOM comes as part of the Windows operating systems. DCOM is or soon will be available on all major UNIX platforms and on IBM's large server products. DCOM replaces OLE Remote Automation. DCOM is generally equivalent to the Common Object Request Broker Architecture ( CORBA ) in terms of providing a set of distributed services. DCOM is Microsoft's approach to a network-wide environment for program and data objects. CORBA is sponsored by the rest of the information technology industry under the auspices of the Object Management Group ( OMG ).
Distributed Objects Common organization of a remote object with client-side proxy. 2-16 In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) that acts as a go-between for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server. The proxy server evaluates the request according to its filtering rules. For example, it may filter traffic by IP address or protocol. If the request is validated by the filter, the proxy provides the resource by connecting to the relevant server and requesting the service on behalf of the client. A proxy server may optionally alter the client's request or the server's response, and sometimes it may serve the request without contacting the specified server. In this case, it 'caches' responses from the remote server, and returns subsequent requests for the same content directly.
Binding a Client to an Object Distr_object* obj_ref; //Declare a systemwide object reference obj_ref = …; // Initialize the reference to a distributed object obj_ref-> do_something(); // Implicitly bind and invoke a method (a) Distr_object objPref; //Declare a systemwide object reference Local_object* obj_ptr; //Declare a pointer to local objects obj_ref = …; //Initialize the reference to a distributed object obj_ptr = bind(obj_ref); //Explicitly bind and obtain a pointer to the local proxy obj_ptr -> do_something(); //Invoke a method on the local proxy (b) (a) Example with implicit binding using only global references (b) Example with explicit binding using global and local references
Implementation of Object References Simple object reference – network add of the machine where the object resides with the endpoint Drawback If the server crash- server define another endpoint after recovery –all object references become invalid. Solve using local daemon in DCE located in each machine. Always keep track of the server to endpoint= endpoint table.
Static versus Dynamic Remote Method Invocation RMI is very similar to RPC. static invocation Use predefine interface definition such as in java If interface change- the client application must be recompiled. Dynamic invocation Compose method at runtime Application select at runtime which method it will invoke at a remote object. RMI - Remote Method Invocation, a set of protocols being developed by Sun's JavaSoft division that enables Java objects to communicate remotely with other Java objects. RMI is a relatively simple protocol, but unlike more complex protocols such as CORBA and DCOM, it works only with Java objects. CORBA and DCOM are designed to support objects created in any language.
Parameter Passing(1) All object in the system can be accessed by remote machine. Use references as parameter in method invocation. References are passed by reference, copied from one machine to another. If in local machine, the reference parameters is copied as a whole and pass along with the invocation= pass by value.
Parameter Passing(2) The situation when passing an object by reference or by value. 2-18
Message-Oriented Communication Message-oriented communication is a way of communicating between processes. Messages, which correspond to events, are the basic units of data delivered. Tanenbaum and Steen classified message-oriented communication according to two factors---synchronous or asynchronous communication, and transient or persistent communication. In synchronous communication, the sender blocks waiting for the receiver to engage in the exchange. Asynchronous communication does not require both the sender and the receiver to execute simultaneously. So, the sender and recipient are loosely-coupled. The amount of time messages are stored determines whether the communication is transient or persistent. Transient communication stores the message only while both partners in the communication are executing. If the next router or receiver is not available, then the message is discarded. Persistent communication, on the other hand, stores the message until the recipient receives it. From Jungkee Kim's dissertation
continued A typical example of asynchronous persistent communication is Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM). Message-oriented middleware is also called a message-queuing system, a message framework, or just a messaging system. MOM can form an important middleware layer for enterprise applications on the Internet. In the publish and subscribe model, a client can register as a publisher or a subscriber of messages. Messages are delivered only to the relevant destinations and only once, with various communication methods including one-to-many or many-to-many communication. The data source and destination can be decoupled under such a model. The Java Message Service (JMS) from Sun Microsystems provides a common interface for Java applications to MOM implementations. Since JMS was integrated with the recent version of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform, Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)---the component architecture of J2EE---has a new type of bean, the message-driven bean. The JMS integration simplifies the enterprise development, allowing a decoupling between components.
Message Oriented Communication Persistence and Synchronicity in Communication Persistence Transient Asynchronous Synchronous Message-Oriented Transient Communication Message-Oriented Persistence Communication
Message + Network Communication system is organized as a computer network Application are always executed on hosts, each host offer an interface to the communication system Each host are connected through a network of communication servers Which responsible for passing message between hosts
Persistence Communication Message that has been submitted is stored by the communication system as long as it takes to deliver it to receiver. Example: Mail
Persistence and Synchronicity in Communication (1) General organization of a communication system in which hosts are connected through a network 2-20
Persistence and Synchronicity in Communication (2) Persistent communication of letters back in the days of the Pony Express.
Transient Communication A message is stored by the communication system as long as the sending and receiving application is running. The message will be discarded if the communication server cannot delivery the message to destination server. Example: Router.
Asynchronous Communication Sender continuous immediately after it has transmitted the message. The message is either stored in local buffer or at the first communication server Example: asynchronous - the answering machine
Asynchronous Send ??????
Synchronous The sender is blocked until its message is stored in local buffer at the receiver end or the message has been delivered. The strongest form of Syn Comm is when the sender can only continue executing after the receiver process the message.
Synchronous Send Provide information about the relative execution points of sender and receiver - causes synchronization of the two.
Persistence and Synchronicity in Communication (3) Persistent asynchronous communication Persistent synchronous communication 2-22.1 Persistence Asynchronous Comm Persistence synchronous Comm
Persistence and Synchronicity in Communication (4) 2-22.2 Transient asynchronous communication
Transient Synchronous Communications Weakest form, based on message receipt. The sender is blocked until the message is stored in receiver’s local buffer. The sender receive an acknowledge(receipt) and continue. Receipt-based transient synchronous communication
Persistence and Synchronicity in Communication (5) Delivery-based transient synchronous communication at message delivery –client idle until its request has been accepted for further processing Response-based transient synchronous communication-client waits until receives a reply from the server. Ie- client-server.
Berkeley Sockets (1) Socket primitives for TCP/IP. Primitive Meaning Create a new communication endpoint Bind Attach a local address to a socket Listen Announce willingness to accept connections Accept Block caller until a connection request arrives Connect Actively attempt to establish a connection Send Send some data over the connection Receive Receive some data over the connection Close Release the connection
Examples /* create socket */ sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) domain is either AF_UNIX or AF_INET. This parameter specifies whether the socket is to be used for communicating between Unix file system like objects or Internet objects. type specifies the communications semantics. There are a number of possible values. SOCK_STREAM-stream based full-duplex communication SOCK_DGRAM-datagram based communication SOCK_RAW-use raw IP sockets (must be super-user) SOCK_SEQPACKET-sequenced reliable datagrams SOCK_RDM-reliably delivered messages protocol is normally set to zero. /* create socket */ sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sd<0) { perror("cannot open socket "); return ERROR; }
bind() int bind(int s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen) The final value simply means that connections will be accepted from any remote host. /* bind server port */ servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); servAddr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); if(bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr))<0) { perror("cannot bind port "); return ERROR; }
Incoming Connections listen() Once an address has been bound to a socket it is then necessary to indicate the socket is to be listened to for incoming connection requests. This is done using the listen() function. Its prototype is int listen(int s, int backlog) s specifies the socket. backlog specifies the maximum number of outstanding connection requests in listen()'s input queue. listen() can only be associated with SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_SEQPACKET type sockets. listen(sd,5);
Simple Socket program can be found at send() send() may be used in the same way as write(). The prototype is #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/socket.h> int send(int s, char *msg, int len, int flags) Simple Socket program can be found at
Berkeley Sockets (2) Connection-oriented communication pattern using sockets.
Socket Based on send and receive primitive Design to communicate across network using general purpose protocol stack-tcp/ip NOT considered for high-speed interconnection network MPI?
The Message-Passing Interface (MPI) Designed for parallel application – transient communication No concept such as the communication server Assume communication take place within a known group of process with id (groupID, processID) Some of the most intuitive message-passing primitives of MPI. Primitive Meaning MPI_bsend Append outgoing message to a local send buffer MPI_send Send a message and wait until copied to local or remote buffer MPI_ssend Send a message and wait until receipt starts MPI_sendrecv Send a message and wait for reply MPI_isend Pass reference to outgoing message, and continue MPI_issend Pass reference to outgoing message, and wait until receipt starts MPI_recv Receive a message; block if there are none MPI_irecv Check if there is an incoming message, but do not block
MPI_bsend Sender submit msg for transmission. Copy to local buffer. Sender continue to send. Receiver call receive. Local MPI runtime system at sender will remove the message from local buffer and transmit the message. 1 2 3 5 4
MPI_send&MPI_ssend primitive Blocking Send Operation the caller will be blocked until the message has been copied to MPI runtime system at the sender’s side Blocking Send Operation the caller will be blocked until the receiver initiated a receive operation
MPI_sendrecv Send a request and wait till return the reply = normal RPC
Message-Oriented Persistence Communication Message queuing system/Message Oriented Middleware Offer intermediate-term storage capacity for message- without requiring sender & receiver to active Support longer time message transfer
Message Queuing Model App’n communicate by inserting message in its own private queue Also possible the queue being shared by other App’n Message are guaranteed to be inserted in queue but not to receive by receiver Message is forwarded over a series of communication servers Receiver and sender is independent.
Message-Queuing Model (1) 2-26 Four combinations for loosely-coupled communications using queues.
Message-Queuing Model (2) Basic interface to a queue in a message-queuing system. Primitive Meaning Put Append a message to a specified queue Get Block until the specified queue is nonempty, and remove the first message Poll Check a specified queue for messages, and remove the first. Never block. Notify Install a handler to be called when a message is put into the specified queue.
General Architecture of a Message-Queuing System (1) The relationship between queue-level addressing and network-level addressing.
General Architecture of a Message Queuing System Message can only be put to local queues Called as source queue And also- message can be read from local queues Message put in the queue will contain the destination queues to which it should be transferred. Message queuing system maintain a database of queue names to network location(DNS) Queues are manage by queue managers Special queue managers that operate as routers or relay Forward the incoming messages to other queue managers
General Architecture of a Message-Queuing System (2) Use few router with the knowledge of topology Only the router need to be updated when queues are added/deleted Queue manager has to know only the nearest router 2-29 The general organization of a message-queuing system with routers.
Message Broker(1) Each time the new application is added- different message format will introduce. Require the sender and receiver have the same message format.- agree with common message format. Conversion are handled by special node in a queuing network Known as MESSAGE BROKER. Purpose – to convert the incoming message to a format that can be understood by destination application. Message reformatter Message broker is an intermediary program that translates a message from the formal messaging protocol of the sender to the formal messaging protocol of the receiver in a telecommunication network where programs communicate by exchanging formally-defined messages.
Message Brokers(2) The general organization of a message broker in a message-queuing system. 2-30
Data Stream Support for continuous media Sequence of data unit Isochronous Transmission mode Distributed multimedia system Refers as stream Stream /2 Simple stream – consist of only single sequence of data Complex stream – several related simple streams(sub streams) In telecommunications and computing, a data stream is a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals (packets of data or datapackets) used to transmit or receive information that is in transmission. In electronics and computer architecture, a data stream determines for which time which data item is scheduled to enter or leave which port of a systolic array, a Reconfigurable Data Path Array or similar pipe network, or other processing unit or block.
Data Stream (1) Source could be a process Setting up a stream between two processes across a network. Source and sink Source could be a process Reading an audio file from a disk – transmit byte by byte Sink – fetching the byte as they come in – passing them to local audio device
Data Stream (2) Setting up a stream directly between two devices. 2-35.2
Data Stream (3) Data stream is multicast to many receivers An example of multicasting a stream to several receivers. Data stream is multicast to many receivers Filters are use to adjust the quality of incoming stream
VLC is a portable multimedia player, encoder, and streamer supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It is able to stream over networks and to transcode multimedia files and save them into various formats. The VideoLAN project targets multimedia streaming of MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and DivX files, DVDs, digital satellite channels, digital terrestial television channels and live videos on a high-bandwidth IPv4 or IPv6 network in unicast or multicast under many OSes. VideoLAN also features a cross-platform multimedia player, VLC, which can be used to read the stream from the network or display video read locally on the computer under all GNU/Linux flavours, all BSD flavours, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, Solaris, QNX, Familiar Linux
Overview of the VideoLAN streaming solution
Specifying QoS (1) A flow specification. Characteristics of the Input Service Required maximum data unit size (bytes) Token bucket rate (bytes/sec) Toke bucket size (bytes) Maximum transmission rate (bytes/sec) Loss sensitivity (bytes) Loss interval (sec) Burst loss sensitivity (data units) Minimum delay noticed (sec) Maximum delay variation (sec) Quality of guarantee A flow specification.
Specifying QoS (2) The principle of a token bucket algorithm.
Flow Spec Loss sensitivity – acceptable loss rate Loss interval (sec) Burst loss sensitivity (data units) – how many consecutive data unit may be lost Minimum delay noticed (sec)- how long the tolerable delay before noticed by receiver Maximum delay variation (sec)- maximum tolerate jitter for video and audio Quality of guarantee- how serious the service requirement should be taken
Setting up Stream Sender in RSVP provide flow specification Bandwidth, delay, jitter etc. The specification is handed over to RSVP process that is colocated at the same machine as the sender RSVP is receiver-initiated QoS protocol(receiver are required to send reservation requests along the same path to the sender) Receiver may set a new parameter value(flow specification) to the sender.
Setting Up a Stream
RSVP QoS (Quality of Service) refers to a broad collection of networking technologies and techniques. The goal of QoS is to provide guarantees on the ability of a network to deliver predictable results. Elements of network performance within the scope of QoS often include availability (uptime), bandwidth (throughput), latency (delay), and error rate. QoS involves prioritization of network traffic. QoS can be targeted at a network interface, toward a given server or router's performance, or in terms of specific applications.
Stream Synchronization Discrete Data Stream Slide show on the web+Audio Each slide transferred on the discrete data stream form Synchronization – slide+audio Continuous Data Stream Playing Movie Video stream need to be synchronized with the audio Lip synchronization
Synchronization Mechanisms (1) The principle of explicit synchronization on the level data units.
Synchronization Mechanisms (2) The principle of synchronization as supported by high-level interfaces. 2-41
Summary COMMUNICATION Layered Protocol RPC Remote Object Invocation Lower level protocol(PL, DLL,NL) Transport Protocol Client-Server TCP Higher Level Protocol Session& Presentation Application Protocol Middleware Protocol RPC Client & server Stub Remote Object Invocation Distributed Object Message-Oriented Communication Connection-oriented communication – Berkeley Socket Message Broker Stream-Oriented Communication
PROBLEMS Discuss in groups of 3-4 In many layered protocols, each layer has its own header. Surely it would be efficient to have a single header at the front for each message with all control in it than all these separate headers. Why is this not done