Where Are The Women? Women hold a minority of the full-time teaching positions on campus Few women hold senior faculty rank
Where Are The Women? Women staff dominate in only certain job classifications
How Much Are Women Worth At The University Of Akron? Women earn less than men in almost every job category on campus Not as much as men….
How Much Are Women Worth?
What Is The Campus Climate? A majority of the female faculty, contract professionals have felt intimidated or unwelcome around campus because of their sex More than a third of the women staff felt the same way
What Worries Women? Female staff, contract professionals are concerned about few chances for advancement Faculty women are concerned about the conflict between career & family
Where Are The Women Leaders At The University Of Akron? Few women are in central administration Few are deans Few are chairs/directors
Where Are The Women Leaders? The number of women in central administration has gone down over time The number of female deans and department/school leaders has also gone down
Where Are The Women Honorees? Few women are commencement speakers Few women receive honorary degrees
What Should The University Do? Hire more women in leadership positions Create Outstanding Achievement Award
Establish Women’s Resource Center Increase support to Women’s Studies What Should The University Do?
Establish accountability for achieving gender equity goals Conduct salary, gender equity reviews Eliminate harassment What Should The University Do?
Hire, promote, retain women faculty, staff Bring more women speakers on campus What Should The University Do?