Realtime Commercial Bidding System Team 8 Andrew Stafford Paul Heyniger Chris Kondos Kevin Southworth
Motivation Lack of B2B Trading Services Large market demand Opportunity for profit Global access
RCBS Distributed online auction site Realtime Standard and Reverse auctions Secure transactions
Overview of Requirements Users can –Login to system –Register for new account –Create standard and reverse auctions Create reserve auctions –Bid in auctions –View list of auctions –View auction information w/out joining
Prototype Swing based Java 2 Application Helped flesh out requirements
Class Diagram Main classes –Auction Standard Reverse –Auctioneer –Client Auction Creator Bidder
Problems and Solutions with Analysis Do methods go in calling or called class –Calling class Division of client –Auction creator –Bidder Which objects deserve classes –Modeled objects with important relationships Confusing Terminology –Asked client questions –Peer review feedback
Critical System Properties Secure transactions Reliability System response time
Promela Modeled Interaction between Auctioneer and Client Used two Proctypes to show Communication Multiple Test cases for Desired Result
Test Case 1 Working Case One Bidder, One Bid This shows how the system can work
Test Case 2 Two Concurrent Bidders Same Bid System sent auction time elapse Analysis –Deadlock Occurs –Bid Dropped
Test Case 3 One Bidder Auction Timeout occurs while bid being checked Client Deadlocks
LTL Analysis LTL Formula: - [](p-><>q) - p = (toclient??(high_bid)) - q = (toauctioneer?? (auction_time_elapse)
Group 8 thanks you for your time