CH4.1 CSE244 Syntax Directed Translation Aggelos Kiayias Computer Science & Engineering Department The University of Connecticut 371 Fairfield Road, Unit 1155 Storrs, CT
CH4.2 CSE244General Syntax-directed Definitions. Translation Schemes “Programming Language Translation will be guided by the syntax” Use Attributes to implement translation. Any symbol of the grammar might have several attributes associated with it. Translation is specified by presenting the dependencies of the attributes. This is achieved by the employment of Semantic Rules. Execution of Semantic Rules obeying the order specified by Attribute interrelations produces the translation.
CH4.3 CSE244 Syntax-Directed Definitions, I It is a CFG grammar augmented with: Attributes. (assigned to each grammar symbol) Semantic Rules (associated to each production involving the Attributes of the symbols in the production). Attributes can be Synthesized or Inherited. Semantic Rules for a production have the form: Semantic Rules for a production A have the form: b = f (c 1,…,c n )where (b is synthesized) b is an attribute of A and c 1 …c n are attributes of symbols in . (b is inherited) b is an attribute of some symbol in and c 1 …c n are attributes of symbols in A,
CH4.4 CSE244 Syntax-Directed Defitions, II Terminals have only synthesized attributes whose values are provided by the lexical analyzer. The start non-terminal typically has no inherited attributes. We may allow function calls as semantic-rules also. Side-effects… PRODUCTIONSEMANTIC RULE L E nprint(E.val) E E 1 + TE.val = E 1.val + T.val E TE.val = T.val T T 1 * FT.val = T 1.val * F.val T FT.val = F.val F (E)F.val = E.val F digitF.val = digit.lexval
CH4.5 CSE244 Annotated Parse-Trees Parse-tree that also shows the values of the attributes at each node. Attributes in the leaves of the annotated parse-tree are determined by the lexical analyzer. Values of Attributes in inner nodes of annotated parse-tree are determined by the semantic-rules. If a syntax-directed definition employs only Synthesized attributes the evaluation of all attributes can be done in a bottom-up fashion. Inherited attributes would require more arbitrary “traversals” of the annotated parse-tree. A dependency graph suggests possible evaluation orders for an annotated parse-tree.
CH4.6 CSE244 Draw the Tree Example 3*5+4n
CH4.7 CSE244 Example with Inherited Attributes Even though inherited can be simulated by synthesized it is more natural to write Syntax- Directed Definitions using inherited. …below in is an inherited attribute of …below in is an inherited attribute of L PRODUCTIONSEMANTIC RULE D T = T.type T int T.type = integer T real T.type = real L L 1, idL = addtype(id.entry, L id addtype(id.entry,
CH4.8 CSE244 Draw the Tree Example real id 1, id 2, id 3
CH4.9 CSE244 Syntax Trees Decoupling Translation from Parsing-Trees. Syntax-Tree: an intermediate representation of the compiler’s input. Example Procedures: mknode, mkleaf Employment of the synthesized attribute nptr (pointer) PRODUCTIONSEMANTIC RULE E E 1 + TE.nptr = mknode(“+”,E 1.nptr,T.nptr) E E 1 - TE.nptr = mknode(“-”,E 1.nptr,T.nptr) E TE.nptr = T.nptr T (E) T.nptr = E.nptr T idT.nptr = mkleaf(id, id.lexval) T numT.nptr = mkleaf(num, num.val)
CH4.10 CSE244 Draw the Syntax Tree a-4+c
CH4.11 CSE244 Bottom-Up Evaluation of S-Attributed Definitions S-attributed Definition: Syntax-Directed Definition using only Synthesized attributes. Stack of a LR(1) parser contains states. Recall that each state corresponds to some grammar symbol (and many different states might correspond to the same grammar symbol) Extend stack entries to include the attribute(s). Modify stack contents as productions are selected. StateVal XX.x YY.y ZZ.z Top A XYZ A.a = f(X.x,Y.y,Z.z) =f(val[top-2],val[top-1],val[top]) StateVal AA.a New Top
CH4.12 CSE244Example PRODUCTIONSEMANTIC RULE L E nprint(E.val) E E 1 + TE.val = E 1.val + T.val E TE.val = T.val T T 1 * FT.val = T 1.val * F.val T FT.val = F.val F (E)F.val = E.val F digitF.val = digit.lexval PRODUCTIONSEMANTIC RULE L E nprint(val[top]) E E 1 + Tval[ntop] = val[top-2]+val[top] E T T T 1 * Fval[ntop] = val[top-2]*val[top] T F F (E)val[ntop] = val[top-1] F digit
CH4.13 CSE244Execution Example: 3*5+4n