W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar-wide Background monitoring Motivation institutionalize... through a weekly report to PEP-II/BBR meeting (Fri at 13:30) in the context of Run Coordination regular review/analysis in MDI meeting feedback to BBR ops meeting spread the background expertise What quantities do we want to monitor? per subdetector in BaBar globally during physics data taking injection quality (incl. trickle) W. Kozanecki is this useful? is this the right way to do it? a proposal !
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Per subdetector: SVT Integrated dose total dose, compared to budget mid-plane non-mid plane source? injection stored beams Number of radiation aborts injection inhibits aborts stored beam aborts fast aborts - & their shape, if interesting slow aborts manual dumps after timer warning sympathetic aborts - & their cause whenever possible Instantaneous dose rate / occupancy
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 DCH (stable beams) total current absolute normalized to 2002 parametrization # of trips? of spike warnings? occupancy (from fast monitoring)? EMC all (stable beams + injection) (FCT:TR_23) stable beams: other? integrated dose ?? “The DIRC is fine” IFR: tbd Per subdetector: DCH, EMC, DIRC, IFR
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 In BaBar, globally Over the last week (or month...), during data taking how much time was lost to backgrounds when? (breakdown of the RC’s “xx minutes”) why? how was it fixed? dead time history any interesting observations ? any (parasitic) background experiments? Injection quality monitoring SVT EMC (injection + trickle) DCH (trickle)
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Injection quality monitoring: SVT SVT injection quality monitors dose(W) / I - dose(E) / I + [mrad/mA] integrating while (i) injection flag set (ii) current(s) increasing reset to 0 at the begining of each injection cycle BaBar nameMCC name SVT:BW:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:BWBGIQ SVT:FW:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:FWBGIQ SVT:BE:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:BEBGIQ SVT:FE:BG_INJECTION_QUALITY BBR:CEN:SVT:FEBGIQ B. Petersen / D. Kotturi
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Injection quality monitoring: EMC, DCH Averaged over an injection request / stable beams cycle FCT:INJTPPH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTPPH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTPPL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTPPL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTPCH EMC triggers per HER current increase FCT:INJTPCH EMC triggers per HER current increase FCT:INJTPCL EMC triggers per LER current increase FCT:INJTPCL EMC triggers per LER current increase Instantaneous FCT:INJTRCTL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse (*) FCT:INJTRCTL EMC triggers per LER injection pulse (*) FCT:INJTRCT2 DCH triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCT2 DCH triggers per LER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCTH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCTH EMC triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCT1 DCH triggers per HER injection pulse FCT:INJTRCT1 DCH triggers per HER injection pulse (*) This is also what appears on the fast monitoring histograms (vs. time since injection, or as a Fourier transform) (*) This is also what appears on the fast monitoring histograms (vs. time since injection, or as a Fourier transform) M. Weaver
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar background history in the SCP
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar injection-quality history: SVT BW (HER injection) ? BE (LER injection)
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 BaBar injection-quality history: EMC, DCH ?
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 16 Jan 2004 Trickle quality history ?