Copyright© , Illinois Online Network and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Competency-Based Strategies to Effectively Prepare Faculty to Teach Online Innovations 2005 March 6, 2005 Michael Lindeman Program Director Illinois Online Network University of Illinois
Friday, October The Illinois Online Network A partnership between the University of Illinois and all the community colleges in the state The major function of ION is faculty development related to Internet-based teaching and learning
Friday, October ION’s Faculty Development Activities Making the Virtual Classroom a Reality Faculty Summer Institute Faculty Trainer’s Institute Presentations and Workshops ION Web Site
Friday, October Making the Virtual Classroom a Reality 12 online courses (10 eight-week, 2 four- week) Since 1999, there have been over 2329 enrollments by 946 participants in 12 different online courses focused on preparing faculty to teach online.
Friday, October Faculty Summer Institute Faculty Summer Institute brings together faculty from all ION institutions for three days to collaborate on the integration of networked information technologies into the curriculum. In 2004, 201 participants from 37 Higher Education Institutions
Friday, October Faculty Trainers Institute Annual Workshop based on a “train-the- trainer” model Topics: Competencies - Closing the Gap: What faculty know; What faculty need to know. Increasing Faculty Buy-In Open Source in Education The Ideal Training Program
Friday, October Faculty Development Based on Online Instructor Competencies Our approach… Faculty and Support Staff develop list of competencies Using a Wiki, develop corresponding Best Practices, Evaluation Criteria, and Training Approaches See Wiki ScreenshotsWiki Screenshots See Competencies List (Handout)Competencies List See Competencies Worksheet (Handout)Competencies Worksheet
Friday, October Materials from this presentation can be accessed online at: presentations/050306/