I’ve been angry and I am still angry!!! Tom Johnson t o j t j o h n s o n. c o m
Wrong end of the telescope People in positions of power operating from a philosophy of fear. Especially fearful of what they don’t know or understand. (Not just George Bush) First instinct is to control by exclusion Internet, cyberspace only works by inclusion. (1 node = 0)
Perverted perspectives ICT directed by paranoid administrators; –Computer Science training network administrators only to protect the applications and data by keeping users out? The results – in ALL regions, nations, organizations, systems – is to restrict access to users Instead, should be focusing on bringing in all users and protecting only the data deemed most private, crucial or sensitive.
Manifesto for Blog community Constantly push for “ The Three 100s ” 100 percent of all people (in a system) have access to… 100 percent of all the data and analytic tools they need… 100 percent of the time.
Three 100s strategy Inefficiency Loss of potential revenue Shame Ridicule
Demand It! The Three 100s