Distance Learning EPSY Fall 1998 Virtual Classroom Syllabus Text- Moore & Kearsley (1996). Distance Education: A Systems View. Readings- online and make copies.
Course Requirements Korean Applied Project - see online attachment Journal report –Library Research N=10 annotated bibliography –Identify the best 4 –present your favorite to the class Research Proposal - see online Goals/Diary- contribute to online discussions Exam
What is Distance Learning?
“ planned learning that normally occurs in a different place from teaching and as a result requires special techniques of course design, special instructional techniques, special methods of communication by electronic and other technology, as well as special organizational and administrative arrangements.” (Moore & Kearsley, 1996)
Images of Distance Learning What is the “traditional” DL model? 1 teacher + remote classroom(s) of students
Classic Distance Learning One-way Video Two-way Audio (phone) Fax
“Classics” also include... Radio (ESL to remote areas). Correspondance texts + mastery test by mail. Videotapes.
Individual Exploration Electronic Library Online Tutorials (e.g. Mosaic) Simulations ICAI
Collaborative Desktop CUSeeMe (Video & Data) MOO, Chat, etc. (text only)
Collaborative Work (Learning) The alternative model of learning
Teleconferencing PictureTel (POTS) Satellite Fiber Optic Network
Web-based instruction hypertext syllabi Web Board/ Web CT (Asynchronous) Digital Video Streaming Quicktime achival videos PDF file references online surveys and tests
Voice, Video, & Data DynaCom IBM's ATM requires fiber connections
What is Distance Learning? What’s YOUR definition?
A summary of issues from the literature... Administrative Faculty Student
Issues of Virtual Classroom Administration Must be same for virtual and live students Registration Financial Aid Advising Access to Bookstore Access to Library
Issues for Faculty Faculty Load (see Academe reading) Courseware development assistance Promotion and reward Ownership of materials “canned” faculty no longer needed TV “image” of personality on-camera
Issues for Students prerequisite technology skills cost of delivery technology quality of education/ content acceptance of degree (credentialing)
How do your experiences fit with UConn as a DL facility? Reality Check!
The opening of a discussion of DL Research Advanced Organizer: Quality research despirately needed!
Week 1 working assumptions DL research is many driven by user satisfaction. Was it worth the $$? DL’s best hope is to be like live classroom instruction. DL research should concern the delivery medium. DL is about tranfering information to students efficiently and cost effectively.
Week 1 proposed assumtions DL research should be about how student thinking and learning can be enhanced with technology. DL research should identify strengths that exceed classroom instruction. DL research should be about learning not technology. DL research should acknowledge innovative contexts for learning, the inherently interactive nature of learning, support changes in education away from the “delivery model.”
Assignment 1 Read the forum & me your initial thoughts about the course