Design Fest Data Collection 2 Daniel de Angelis Cordeiro Fabio de Oliveira Vaz Francisco Gatto Kelly Rosa Braghetto Marcos Eduardo Bolelli Broinizi Marcos Tiago Garcia Silva Rafael de Holanda Barroso
Hypothesis Sensors measurement category and unit are immutable. Measurements are not directly associated with a configuration. The same sensor can have more than one configuration. Configurations cannot have overlapping time periods. Each physical sensor has its own unique ID configurated before deploy and access to a communication device with a specific communication driver. The sensor query operation is asynchronous.
Quantities Unit: provides interoperability between different measurement units. Parameter: abstraction for values used by algorithms, depends on units.
System Architecture
Queries Query: provides a object oriented way to model the process of selecting sensors and measurements. Filter: model a parametric restriction that filters a query.
Sequence Diagrams Scenario 1 – Data Analysis -Group Creation -Analysis
Acts as a publisher for the user interface. After the query results update it notifies its subscribers.
Sequence Diagrams Scenario 2 – Installation of New Sensors -Incomming measurements from new sensor -Updates sensor informations. Creates a new configuration. (in Scenario 3)
Sequence Diagrams Scenario 3 – Sensor Reliability Example -Updates sensor informations. Creates a new configuration.