Easy ways to integrate ICT into geography Carolyn McCabe Client Relations & PD (Dept)
ICT for communicating, creating and visualising thinking in geography classes recording and planning, constructing and shaping ideas locating, informing, sharing, publishing information organising, creating and managing information products
Where to start? The Channel
What makes the Channel the web for schools? The websites within the Channel have been teacher-recommended and reviewed. All teachers and students can recommend sites for the Channel to review. The majority of the websites included in the Channel come from external sources (not DE&T), but they have educational relevance. There are different pages for different audiences and from these pages you get different sets of results.
Each school day the Channel gets site suggestions from teachers. We check these before including them in the Channel.
Examples of websites from external sources (not DoE) that the Channel links to:
Primary Page Search box presents results suitable for primary students Secondary Page Search box presents results suitable for secondary students
There’s also a Channel page for Teachers Quick links to teacher recommended web resources
Apart from guided links there is a Channel search box. Use to find teacher-recommended and reviewed websites
Search results for visualising thinking
Search result: Imagination Cubed Use for visualising thinking and communicating – students can collaborate & share
Names of people: Al Gore Organisations: BBC; National Geographic; ACF General Terms: sustainability; tsunami; deserts; GIS; geography interactives; teachers tv Products: photostory Other search terms
Teachers TV – teacher pd online
Photostory for creating digital stories