PH 401 Dr. Cecilia Vogel
Review Outline unbound state wavefunctions tunneling probaility bound vs unbound states CA vs CF regions Stationary States for barriers step barrier tunneling barrier
Recall: Step barrier particle with energy E>Vo incident from the left Solutions to TISE: k1>k2 1< 2 sketch wavefunction
Step barrier reflection R=[(k 1 -k 2 )/(k 1 +k 2 )] 2 R=[(sqE-sq(E-V))/(sqE+sq(E-V))] 2 R is not zero. The particle might be REFLECTED! By a CA barrier!! What??
Recall: Tunneling particle with energy E<Vo incident from the left Solutions to TISE: sketch wavefunction
Tunneling continuity A 1 +B 1 =A 2 +B 2 ik 1 A 1 - ik 1 B 1 = K 2 A 2 - K 2 B 2 A 2 e K2a +B 2 e -K2a = A 3 e ik1a K 2 A 2 e K2a - K 2 B 2 e -K2a = ik 1 A 3 e ik1a
Tunneling probability Tunneling into region 3: T=|A3/A1| 2 T=[1+(V 2 /4E(V-E))sinh 2 (K 2 a)] -1 If K 2 a>>1, then sinh(K 2 a) approx e K2a T is not zero. The particle might be TUNNEL! through a CF barrier!! What??
Tunneling probability Tunneling probability depends on: particle mass – higher mass, less tunneling particle energy – higher energy, more tunneling barrier potential energy – higher barrier, less tunneling thickness of barrier – thicker barrier, less tunelling
PAL Find the probability for a particle with energy 10 eV tunneling through a 400- eV barrier that is 1 nm wide. a)the particle is an electron, m = 0.5 MeV/c 2 b)the particle is an alpha, m=4Gev/c 2