The new communication space between the doctor and his
Emotional reaction Social behavior Bad understanding of the instructions Patient motivation and believes Side effects Not convinced of therapy needs Lack of time Lack of communication expertise Lack of communication tools Motivation ?
@dvice Most recurrent problems Belgian GP’s and SP’s are facing with are: - Lack of respect - Lack of compliance - The very demanding attitute of the patient Quintiles - Medistrat
Practical case How does it works ? Have a look at a consultation between a physician and his patient Patient has made a blood test and is coming back to his physician
During the consultation The physician select his patient into its EHR
During the consultation The physician makes its diagnosis In this case hypercholesterolaemia icon shows him that there is a support program available for the patient
During the consultation The physician initiates a drug therapy. icon shows him that there is a specific support program available for this specific therapy.
During the consultation The physician is coming on the activation page on platform He can view the different elements of the program, unselect one if needed
During the consultation The physician received confirmation that the support program has been started up
The patient is going back home The patient has a look to her mails
The patient is going back home The patient goes to login page
The patient is going back home The patient access his personnal space opened by his physician
The patient is going back home Patient access information about the pathology Also a lexicon of the difficult words, Practical information about existing patient associations, …
The patient is going back home Patient access information about the treatment Also the patient leaflet Practical information such as the good use card and drug images
The patient is going back home The patient watch a explanation video
The patient is going back home The patient can subscribe to a monthly newsletter program including practical information such as cooking receipts, physical guidance, …
The patient is going back home The patient can access some tools such as BMI calculator
The patient is going back home The patient can read online or print a brochure explaining all the aspects of the pathology
Return to the doctor’s office The physician can have a look to the information his patient has accessed (direct link in his EHR)
@dvice An exclusive communication channel under control of the physician
@dvice An easy to use service integrated in the physician EHR More than GP’s
Disease Management programs To Inform To Sensibilize To Motivate To Remind To Change patient behavior For better Health
A validated content (scientific committee) Respect of Private Life (steering committee)
@dvice Is part of the therapeutical relation between the physician and his patients Respect the right of the patient to be informed
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