Group 6 Brandon Henrie Lincoln Stevens Brent Andrus Tanner Christensen Adam Belnap European Union
Overview Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future
International Aspects European Union What is the EU? Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future International Union of 25 independent members Worlds largest confederation of independent states Single market, single currency, managed by European Central Bank Commonality of agricultural, trade, and fishery policy
Formation of European Union International Aspects 1951 Treaty of Paris 1957 Treaty of Rome Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future 1993 EU Formed 1992 Maastricht Treaty
International Aspects European Union 3 Pillars Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future European Communities (EC) Agriculture Policy Fisheries Policy EU competition Law EU Citizenship Healthcare Research Environment law Common Foreign & Security Policy (CFSP) Foreign Policy: Human Rights Democracy Foreign Aid Security Policy: Security and defense policy EU Battlegroups Peacekeeping Police & Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (PJCC) Drug Trafficking Weapons Smuggling Terrorism Organized Crime Bribery and Fraud
International Aspects European Union Current Situation Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future 3 Legislative Bodies European Parliament Council of the EU European Commission
The European Parliament Voice of the People European Union The European Parliament Voice of the People Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Elected every five years by the people of Europe to represent their interests 732 members from the 25 countries. 222 of the 732 are women (more than one third) Members do not sit in national blocks, but in seven Europe-wide political groups The largest of these are the centre-right European People’s Party (Christian Democrats), followed by the Socialists, the Liberals and the Greens. Exercises democratic control over the Union Has the power to dismiss the Commission by adopting a motion of censure.
The European Parliament European Union The European Parliament Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Main job – pass European laws. It does this in conjunction with the Council of the European Union Shares joint responsibility of approving EU’s annual budget President of EP – Josep Borrel
The Council of the European Union Voice of the Member States Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Consists of ministers from national governments of each country Shares legislative power and the EU’s budget with the European Parliament Each country has votes dependent of the size of its population Co-ordinates economic policies of each country Implements the EU’s common foreign and security policy
The European Commission Promoting the Common Interest European Union The European Commission Promoting the Common Interest Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Drafts proposals for new European laws. Manages the day-to-day business of implementing EU policies and spending EU funds Consists of 25 men & women, one from each country Commissioners do not represent the governments of their home countries, each of them instead has responsibility for a particular EU policy area President Jose Manuel Barroso
International Aspects European Union Themes Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Sustainable Development Lisbon Strategy Extending Structural Policy
International Aspects European Union International Functions of the EU Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future 25 countries formed the European Commission. Main objective: discuss EU trade policy
International Aspects European Union Trade Between the EU and U.S. Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future The EU and the US are each other’s main trading partners and account for the largest bilateral trade relationship in the world as of 2005. EU and US account for a combined 57% of world GDP, so there is much to gain from more trade and investment and less barriers between them.
International Aspects European Union The EU and US are responsible together for about 2/5 of world trade. In the year 2005, exports of EU goods to the US amounted to 250 billion euros. Imports from the US amounted to 234 billion euros. Very interdependent Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future
International Aspects European Union China has been the big winner in Europe's new shopping spree. In July 2005, China for the first time exported more goods to the euro zone than did the U.S. In the first five months of this year, China's exports to the region were $69 billion, up 26% from a year earlier. By JOELLEN PERRY and MARCUS WALKER Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future
International Aspects European Union The EU Helps Solve Problems Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future EU is a major driving force in the Doha Development Agenda (DDA). Program for Action: Strengthens health care on a national basis Increases affordability Researches new vaccines.
International Aspects European Union Special Problems Facing the EU Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future
International Aspects European Union Special Problems Facing the EU Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Languages A Single Currency Expansion
International Aspects European Union The Future of the European Union Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Official Language European Union Candidates Russia and the European Union
International Aspects European Union Official Language Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future One Billion Euros spent on interpreters Make English official language Debate continues over making legislations available
International Aspects European Union European Union Candidates Candidates: -Croatia -Turkey -Macedonia *733 billion increase in EU GDP Potentials: -Bosnia -Albania -Serbia -Montenegro *94 billion increase in EU GDP 1.15 trillion potential increase to EU GDP Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future
International Aspects European Union The European Union and Russia Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Polish Government vetoes partnership agreement Russian trade barriers Poland’s power play with EU Volatile Polish government
International Aspects European Union The Future of the European Union Background Current Situation International Aspects Special Problems Future Questions? Will it be the next superpower or go out of style?