LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Controls Overview April 7, 2005 Outline ES&H Goals FAC Responses Status update Resources Design Slides for Global Systems Task descriptions Next 6 months Conclusions Note: As this is being recorded – please add ” it is my impression” and “we expect “ wherever appropriate.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 LCLS Control System ES&H PPS for the Injector is designed. Citizen Review is in June. Internal design review of wiring, racks, and AC distribution will be done for existing and new designs to determine safety and noise issues. All personnel has up to date safety training for required work.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 LCLS Control System Goals Provide a fully integrated control system to support the construction, test, installation, integration, operation and automation of the LCLS Accelerator Standardize on all devices and components across all subsystems. Identify all data either by pulse id, beam pulse related time stamp, or 500 msec rough time stamp. Full integration with the SLC – timing, use of LCLS data in SLC high level applications, and use of SLC data in LCL Provide an upgrade path for the SLC
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 FAC Responses (1) Global standards are required Project Engineers are working toward these standards in all subsystems. Engineers are identified for each area with the exception of MPS. You desperately need a central database for all project data The Job ad is open – resumes are being accepted now. We’ve started to evaluate the SNS and Argonne databases. SLC-aware IOC good progress prototyping, still lack functional requirements and top level design decisions on Applications and which should be EPICs vs SLC. We have identified two high level application engineers. The priority of applications has not been written but guidance will come from Patrick.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 FAC Responses (2) X-ray beam line controls requirements must be defined Steve Lewis is in place and is in the process of listing all controls in the XTOD BPM location and anchoring must be decided See Patrick’s talk for discussion of the issues. Not yet fully resolved. Undulator BPM performance requirements should be articulated including max working range Done See Patrick’s talk next week Patrick, Till, Bob and Lill meet to discuss the engineering specifications
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 FAC Responses (3) The engineering process seems to be proceeding without explicit requirements and reviews. An example of this is the PNET module Work groups for all subsystems are in place (except MPS) These groups jointly develop requirements and design High level ESDs should be complete this month. All detailed ESDs are in progress and will be complete in 6 months Where is global controls on the org chart? All design and integration effort is now in Subsystem equipment and implementation is in x.x.2 Signature authority on x.x.2 is global controls and x.x system managers
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 FAC Responses (4) Can we get x-band klystrons and waveguides from the NLCTA? We can get klystrons, elbows, converters – but we need to make the waveguide runs. (In the LINAC scope of work) Injector laser controls interface needs close communication between vendor, controls group and laser experts/operators Requirement for 500 msec time stamp was in spec. Vendor is selected and controls will meet with them to complete the interface
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 FAC Responses (5) Follow new code requirements for low-smoke fireproof cables Done It is unclear how to design feedback to control X- band phase- explore "dithering". Addressed in Patrick’s talk – compensating drifts in the X band system with beam based feedback in the S Band.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Update May 2004 – April 2005 (1) 3 month continuing resolution WBS reorganized to move all design work into under direction of the control group Acquire personnel 8 project engineers – Koturri, Lucchini, Allison, Straumann, Murray, Fairley, Rogind, (offers being made to junior engineer, jobs open for junior proj. eng) 1 low level programmer (offer being made to junior engineer) 2 EE/ board designers – (support from ESD, evaluating existing designs, interviewing Steve Lewis on controls at LLNL Conventional Facilities, Wiring, Racks, and Power Distribution – Ortega (lead), ESD support, need to hire
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Update May 2004 – April 2005 (2) Facility Controls, XRay Transport are integrated into control design (details remain) Rack Layout, Tray Design, and wiring penetrations for Injector, L01 through BC1. LTU is 50% complete. Prototypes in test: PNet – hardware design complete, driver functional, tests needed Timing – hardware from SLS being put into test Power Supply – hardware from SLS in test for stability and precision Video – cameras in test SLC-Aware IOC is 70% complete.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Update May 2004 – April 2005 (3) Design efforts ready for prototyping: LLRF and BPM Prototypes needed 120 Hz fast feedback position controllers Machine Protection
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Personnel – Resources Total Ctl. Elec. Engineer Ctl. Sr. Elec. Tech. Ctl. Elec Tech. Pwr. Elec. Engineer Pwr. Sr. Elec. Tech. Control Prog. Ramp up plan: offset 3 months. We are borrowing most of our hardware support. We need some LCLS in- house support Will be reworked after hardware designs are reviewed and finalized.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Integration with the SLC Control System SLC Alpha All High Level Apps KISNet (fast closed loop control data) PNet (Pulse ID / User ID) MPG SLC Net (Data Communication) micro Camac I/O RF reference clock Xterm EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS WS Distributed High Level Applications Ethernet (EPICS Protocol) I/OC (SLC-aware) EVGEVG Micro emulator
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 SLC-Aware IOC
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 System Design CPUCPU EVGEVG Beam Code + EPICS Time + EPICS Events LLRF 16 triggers CPUCPU EVREVR Diag 16 triggers IOC EVREVR HPRF I/O Boards CPUCPU EVREVR Pwr Supply Ctrl IOC Channel Access SLC Alpha Apps Xterm EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS WS Distributed High Level Applications CPUCPU Vacuum Ctrl SLC-Net over Ethernet Fast Feedback over Ethernet? Machine Protection Drive Laser Off Single Bunch Beam Dumper
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 LCLS Project Engineering Tasks 1 RF Control - Koturri 3 Diagnostics – Straumann, Murray, tbd Toroids & Faraday Cups, Beam Stops, Profile Monitors & Video Devices, Wire, Scanners, Bunch Length Monitors & E/O Diagnostics, Beam Position Monitors, Collimators, All other stops Gun Laser and Drive Control – Contract Out 1 Vacuum – Steve Lewis supporting the design now / Job Ad Open 1 Magnet Power Supply Control IOC and software - Luchini 1 Beam Containment / Personnel Protection / Machine Protection - Chevstov 1 Low Level Engineer - Norum 2 High Level Application Engineers – Fairley, Rogind 1 RDB Manager – job ad placed 1 System manager – need to place job ad Resolve/Formalize Group Leader – currently co-managed Bob and Patrick
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 LCLS Software Tasks – Purchase/Steal/Develop SLC-aware IOC – 70% complete. Expected completion July 1, Machine Protection / Mitigation (look at SNS and JLAB) Master pattern generator (look at PSI/Diamond) – being set up Fast Feedback Communication – need to prototype High Level Applications (Matlab or XAL) Correlation Plots (look at JLab) Fast Feedback Loops Emittance reconstruction from wire scans and profile monitors Profile monitor image analysis for slice emittance with the transverse cavity Beam Steering and online orbit modeling Beam Steering “scans” to emittance reconstruction from wire scans and profile monitors
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 LCLS Software Tasks – Purchase/Steal/Develop Data Archiving to support all phases of the project (SNS) Operator Display Tools / Synoptic, Plots, Waveform, Image (EDM) Alarm Management (ALH, CMLOG) Electronic Log (DESY, JLAB) High Level Application Support: Matlab, XAL, Python Control System Configuration Tools (VDCT, RDB) Relational Database Management in all project aspects (Based on SNS, PEP) Naming Standard (PEP)
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 LCLS Hardware Tasks – Purchase/Steal/Develop (1) Global New timing boards – Master Pattern Generator and Event Receiver Boards (PSI,DIAMOND) Machine Protection System (SNS/JLAB) – needs to be evaluated RF Control – In-house analog with COTS ADCs and DACs Diagnostics Toroids & Faraday Cups Beam Stops Profile Monitors & Video Devices – evaluating commercial cameras Wire Scanners Bunch Length Monitors & E/O Diagnostics Beam Position Monitors – in-house analog with COTS ADCs and DACs Collimators All other stops
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 LCLS Hardware Tasks – Purchase/Steal/Develop (2) Gun Laser and Drive Control – Integrate Thales Controls either device layer or Labview Vacuum Standards – being finalized Magnet Power Supply Controllers (PSI) – in test at SLAC Beam Containment / Personnel Protection – through first review
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Next 6 months Finish hiring: hardware support – EEs and Techs Complete hiring actions on project engineers and programmers. Acquire RDB support. Complete detailed designs per subsystem and have them reviewed – revamp costs – by the end of this FY. Complete evaluation/test of PNet, Timing, LLRF, PS, MPS, PPS, and BPM Complete the SLC-Aware IOC Integrate Laser Control
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Conclusions Control engineers are in place for most major subsystems. The WBS has been reorganized to move all of the design activities into global controls under Signature authority for all x.x.2 level WBS is shared. The SLC-aware IOC and SLC to EPICS timing issues are well on the way to being resolved. Hardware components have been identified for most of the risky areas. MPS and fast feedback need attention. PPS needs to complete the citizen review. By the end of this year, hardware designs should be proven as prototypes and the schedule and budget revamped to reflect the final design decisions.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Timing CPUCPU EVGEVG Beam Code + EPICS Time + EPICS Events LLRF 16 triggers CPUCPU EVREVR Diag 16 triggers IOC EVREVR HPRF I/O Boards CPUCPU EVREVR Power Supply Ctrl IOC CPUCPU Vacuum Ctrl Machine Protection Drive Laser Off SLC micro 476 MHz RF Reference Master Pattern Generator 128 bit beam 360 Hz FIDO 119 MHz w/ 360 Hz fiducial Nsec resolution on the timing gates produced from the Event Rcvr 20 psec jitter pulse to pulse Event generator passes along beam code data from SLC Event generator sends events to receivers including: 360 Hz, 120 Hz, 10 Hz and 1 Hz fiducials last beam pulse OK Machine mode EPICS time stamp Event receivers produce to the IOC interrupts on events data from the event generator in registers 16 triggers with configurable delay and width Single Bunch Beam Dumper
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 SLC Net “Micro” Communication CPUCPU EVGEVG LLRF CPUCPU EVREVR Diag IOC EVREVR HPRF I/O Boards CPUCPU EVREVR Pwr Supply Ctrl IOC SLC Alpha Apps Xterm CPUCPU Vacuum Ctrl SLC-Net over Ethernet Provides data to SLC Applications from EPICS Operates at 10 Hz (not beam synched) Requires significant development in the IOC to emulate SLC “micro” in the IOC On an application by application basis we will evaluate what functions to provide
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Channel Access CPUCPU EVGEVG LLRF CPUCPU EVREVR Diag IOC EVREVR HPRF I/O Boards CPUCPU EVREVR Power Supply Ctrl IOC Channel Access SLC Alpha Apps Xterm EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS WS Distributed High Level Applications CPUCPU Vacuum Ctrl A channel access server in SLC provides data from existing SLC micros to EPICS applications All IOCs have both a channel access server to allow access and a client to have access Channel access provides read/write by all clients to all data with a server. All EPICS high level applications are channel access clients that may or may not have a server.
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Fast Feedback CPUCPU EVGEVG LLRF CPUCPU EVREVR Diag IOC EVREVR HPRF I/O Boards CPUCPU EVREVR Power Supply Ctrl IOC CPUCPU Vacuum Ctrl Fast Feedback over Ethernet? Fast feedback is required to run at 120 Hz Values will be transmitted from RF and selected diagnostics to Power Supply and RF IOCs The communication needs to be reliable, verifiable, and have a well thought out degradation The entire time budget to read, transmit, commute, control, and settle is 8.3 msec First estimates are that the control system can use 2 msecs to transmit and receive the data Can this be done over a common Ethernet with adequate bandwidth – or is a dedicated one needed?
LCLS Control Group FAC - Controls April 7, 2005 Machine Protection CPUCPU EVGEVG LLRF CPUCPU EVREVR Diag IOC EVREVR HPRF I/O Boards CPUCPU EVREVR Par Supply Ctrl IOC CPUCPU Vacuum Ctrl Machine Protection Drive Laser Off Machine protection is used here to define faults requiring global mitigation Response time is under 8 msec There are two mitigation devices: Single Beam Dumper - which prohibits the beam from entering the undulator Drive Laser Off – which prohibits beam from entering the cavity Action must also be taken to reduce the repetition rate of the beam This new design is required to interrupt the beam before the next beam pulse. Single Beam Dumper