Embedded Systems Laboratory Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University Sweden Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop
-2- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 2 of Oct 2001 System Validation n System Validation Techniques o Simulation o Testing o Formal Verification o Model Checking
-3- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 3 of Oct 2001 Simulation n Based on executable model of the system n permits a quick and shallow evaluation of the design quality n not suitable for finding subtle errors
-4- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 4 of Oct 2001 Testing n based on the real implementation of the system not on a model n it is the only way of (partially) validating a design when: o the construction of a valid and reliable model of the system is difficult (due to complexity) o system parts cannot be formally modelled o the model is proprietary
-5- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 5 of Oct 2001 Formal Verification Formal Verification requires: n A model of the system n A specification method n A set of proof rules
-6- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 6 of Oct 2001 Formal Verification (cont’d) n Verification of sequential programs pre- and post-conditions: {} S {} (Hoare’s triple) {} S {} is partially correct if any terminating computation S that starts in a state satisfying ,terminates in a state satisfying {} S {} is totally correct if any computation S that starts in a state satisfying ,terminates and finishes in a state satisfying
-7- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 7 of Oct 2001 Formal Verification (cont’d)
-8- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 8 of Oct 2001 Formal Verification (cont’d) n Formal verification of parallel systems introduces non-determinsm problems n Tools in formal verification o Proof assistants o Proof checkers o Theorem provers
-9- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 9 of Oct 2001 Model Checking n Automated technique n Verifies whether the required properties hold for a model
-10- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 10 of Oct 2001 Model Checking (cont’d) n Typical algorithm: exhaustive state-space search n Approaches (depending on requirement specificaton) o Heterogeneous (logic based) o Homogeneous (behavior based) n Bisimulation (A and B are bisimilar if A can simulate every step of B and vice-versa) n Two bisimilar models satisfy the same CTL formulas
-11- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 11 of Oct 2001 Computational Tree Logic (CTL) n Specification language for finite–state systems n Each formula describes properties of computation paths (which are infinite sequences of states) n Logical operators: NOT, AND n Operators for temporal relationships: X (next- state), G(global), U(until), F(future) n Path quantifiers: E, A
-12- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 12 of Oct 2001 Computational Tree Logic (cont’d) Descriptions n Xf holds for a path p iff it holds for succ(first(p)) n Gf =>f holds in all states of a computational path n Ff => f will hold sometime in the future n fUg holds for p if there exists a state s on p where g holds while f holds in all states preceding s n AXf holds in a state if f holds in all possible next states
-13- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 13 of Oct 2001 Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) n Rooted, acyclic graphs representing boolean functions n Capture some of the regularities in the state- space n Total ordering on variables is needed n Support AND, OR, NOT and functional composition
-14- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 14 of Oct 2001 Model Checking with BDDs and CTL f V gBDD(f) V BDD(g) NOT fNOT BDD(f) BDD(EX, f, R)(v i ) v f [R(v i, v f ) BDD(f,R)(v f )] E[f U g] z = g V [f EXz] EGf z = f EXz
-15- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 15 of Oct 2001 Fairness n Fairness constraint = an arbitrary formula of the logic n A path is fair with respect to a set of fairness constraints if each constraint holds infinitely often along the path n CTL F – enhanced for dealing with fair paths n Ex. o Fair = EG true o EX f EX(f Fair) o EG f with B Z = f EX(E[Z U (Z B)])
-16- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 16 of Oct 2001 Model Checking for RTS n Extend both the state-transition graph and the logical formulas, with quantitative timing information o TCTL (Timed CTL) – expresses desired behavior o Timed graphs – express possible behavior
-17- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 17 of Oct 2001 Timed CTL n E f U ~c g n A f U ~c g n ~{, , , , } n E f U c g – for some computational path p there is an initial prefix of time less than c such that g holds at the last state and f holds in all intermediate states n ! No X operator for time in real domain R, as there is no unique next-state/next-time
-18- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 18 of Oct 2001 Timed graphs n Model finite-state RT systems n Composed of o Finite set of nodes o Finite set of clocks
-19- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 19 of Oct 2001 Model Checking for RTS (cont’d) n The problem consists of deciding whether a finite- state RTS modelled as a timed graph meets its specification given as a TCTL-formula System model: G = (S, , s 0, E, C, , ) TCTL-structure: M G = (S x (G), ’, f) For a TCTL-formula f, G satisfies f iff ( M G,,(s 0, 0 )) satisfies f, where 0 (x) = 0, x C
-20- Formal Verification and Model Checking Traian Pop 20 of Oct 2001 Model Checking - Conclusions n Advantages o General approach o Supports partial verification o Relatively easy to use (as compared to theorem provers) o Can provide a significant increase in the level of confidence of a system n Disadvantages o Appropriate mainly to control intensive applications o Verifies the model, not the system o Only stated requirements are checked o State-space explosion problem -> complexity issues