1849 Gold has just been discover in California! People all across the world got gold fever… Population of San Francisco 1,000 in 1848 to 35,000 in 1850
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Since life is not easy for us, we have decided to join the GOLD rush! The only problem is many people from all over the world had the same idea.
As more people appear in California, the odds of finding gold shrink as well. By 1850, most of the gold that is found easily is gone
The disappearance of gold left many individuals broke with no where to go. Sine it is 1849, anyone who is not a white male, which included 37% of all miners, was forced off their claim and forced to work claims that have already been mined. If you have a #2, #8, Ace or Jack you were not a white male, so you didn’t find any gold.
The trip west was very difficult. There is no direct route to California, and there are dangers all along the way, including weather, animals, and hostile Indians. 30% of all 49er’s died trying to make it to California. If you have #7, #10, or Q you didn’t survive the long trip west, sorry you did not find gold.
Some people realized that they didn’t have any chance of getting rich by finding gold. They decided to open shops and sell mining supplies to miners although you made a living, you didn’t get rich. If you have #3 or #9 please sit down you did not find gold.
Other miners give up hope or sink every last penny into mining, with no luck. If you have #4, #6 or a King you went broke and went home.
Very few miners actually had success finding gold, but it pays to be one of the lucky ones! If you have #5, congratulations, you survived the harsh trip west and have found GOLD!
What does this activity teach us about the California gold rush? If life was so difficult in California at this time why did so many people risk their lives moving to California?