A.J.’s Mini Messier Made using the.5m, Apogee CCD, and MaximDL software to compile the images.
Project objects M1 (Crab Nebula) M42 (Orion Nebula) M65 M81 M82 M95 M105 M106
The project is split in both black and white and a few composite pictures. The pictures will appear before the data and then a smaller image will be included with the data on the next slide.
M1 – The Crab Nebula This is a supernova remnant. The super nova was seen in 1054 CE. It is located in Taurus and is about 6500 ly away from earth. The nebulas diameter is 11 ly and the apparent magnitude is +8.4 This is a 120 second exposure through the V- filter.
M65 – Spiral Galaxy M65 is a Intermediate spiral galaxy that is part of the Leo triplet it is however the only one that I took in this set. It is about 22 million light years away and has an apparent magnitude of This is also a 180 second exposure through the V- filter
M81– Bode’s Galaxy M81 is a spiral galaxy that’s approximately 11.8 million ly away. It was first discovered by Johann Bode in 1774 and it apparent magnitude is It and M82 (next) are in the constellation Ursa Major. This is a 20 second exposure through the V- filter.
M82 – Cigar Galaxy M82 is a starburst galaxy that’s approximately 11.5 million ly away. A starburst galaxy has an exceptional rate of star formation. The star formation is increased due to its proximity to M81. This was a exposure of 10 sec in the V-filter.
M95 – Barred Spiral M95 is a barred spiral galaxy about 32.6 million ly away in the constellation Leo. Its apparent magnitude is This was a 210 sec exposure in the V-filter. Sorry about the dust ring off to the side.
M105 – Elliptical Galaxy M105 is an elliptical galaxy that is about 32.0 million ly away. It is in the same group as M95 (Previous) and M96 not photographed. In this exposure you can see two other galaxies, NGC3384 and NGC3379. NGC3384 is in the Leo Group I and NGC3379 is a more distant galaxy. NGC3384 M105 NGC3379This was a 90sec exposure through the V-filter.
M106 – Spiral Galaxy M106 is a Spiral Galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. It is about 23.7 million ly away and has an apparent magnitude of It is also and example of a Seyfert II galaxy, which means that astronomer suspect that part of the galaxy is falling into a super massive black hole. This was a 180 sec exposure in the V-filter.
M1 – The Crab Nebula (Color) This is a color composition of M1 The exposure time were 90 sec in R and I 180 in V
M42 – The Orion Nebula The Orion Nebula is an example of an emission nebula. It is about 1,270 ly away but many source vary on the exact distance. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.0. This is only a 5 second exposure through the V filter.
M42(cont.) This is a a 10 second exposure with the V-filter. The trapezium is not as resolve as in the other photo because of their brightness and close proximity (only 47 arc seconds). This small cluster actually has 8 star confirmed, but the whole nebula has about 2000 stars. Trapezium
M42 (color) This two images were each compiled using the Maxim software. The blue was increase in the bottom one and the filters used were B,V,R, and I. The R was use for the luminosity because it provided the greatest contrast. The exposure time on all the photos was 5 secs.
M42 – 3 rd color This was a composition that only use V,R,I and the V exposure was 10 seconds and this was also used for the luminosity of the photo, as well as the blue, R was green and I was red. And of the three this is my favorite. And is why I chose to end with it.