Dispersants workshop building a decision tree Actual overview on the application of dispersants in EU Sjon Huisman The Hague: 2 October 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Dispersants workshop building a decision tree Actual overview on the application of dispersants in EU Sjon Huisman The Hague: 2 October 2007

General Policy HELCOM: Application of dispersants not prohibited, but limited. Response by means of mechanical recovery, No testing procedures in place.

General Policy Bonn Agreement Application of dispersants not prohibited UK: dispersants first response option Other CP: second option or last resort Strict conditions for application e.g. - water depth, - oil volume relation,

Cont’d UK and France: dispersant testing. BA-CP’s adopt findings of this testing. Cooperation between CP’s on application and mechanical recovery.

General Policy Barcelona (Mediterranean) Convention. Lisbon (Atlantic) Convention. Dispersants not prohibited. Conditions in relation to sensitivity. No testing.

Role of EMSA to provide Member States and the Commission with technical and scientific assistance in the field of accidental or deliberate pollution by ships; to support upon request with additional means, the pollution response actions of Member States in case of pollution incidents. Should such request be presented by a Member State, EMSA has to be in a position to deliver concrete operational assistance.

Role of EMSA Would EMSA initiate dispersant testing, considering MS wishes? Will EMSA, through a directive, instruct MS on the application of dispersants.

Developments Not regional On individual CP basis: - studies on new products, - testing procedures

The Netherlands Until 2005: application was prohibited New Contingency Plan: - a (second) response option; - define conditions - sensitive area’s.