Carol Thoma Field Experience Coordinator SPRING 2010 Course Presentations
Including: Rochester, Anoka-Hennepin, St. Paul and others
*****PE will need a HIGH SCHOOL placement *****PE/HEALTH NEED HEALTH PLACEMENT K-12 Majors NEED ELEMENTARY Art ESL (TESL) Languages (Spanish, German, French) Music (Vocal, Instrumental) Information Media 5-12 Majors NEED HIGH SCHOOL Communication Arts & Literature (English) Math Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth & Space) Social Studies Tech Ed.
Go to Click on Field Experience and Student Teaching Application Click on Field Experience and Student Teaching Application Enter HuskyNet ID and Password Click My Applications Click on My Field Experience Applications Click on Course Number General Placement Deadline: Saturday, January 23rd at 11:59 PM Waiver Deadline: MUST meet with Carol by Friday, January 22 nd to find out! Self Placement Deadline: MUST meet with Carol by Friday, January 22 nd to find out! If you fail to apply by the deadline, set up an appointment with Carol Thoma!!!!!!! If you fail to apply by the deadline, placement in a St. Cloud District will not be possible.
Carol Thoma will do all the contacting of schools/principals and teachers. SPECIAL NOTES!!!!!!!!!
Use FULL HUSKY NET Use INTERNET EXPLORER Have all information ready Take your time
3 hours training 7 hours teaching and prep 10 hours classroom observation Special notes: type of program and grade level
20 hours arranged directly with Cooperating Teacher Other option = Elk River/Rogers, Monticello, or Foley Special Notes include: which city: Elk River/Rogers, Monticello, or Foley
Only available for the following courses: ED/SPED 200 ED 300 Completed prior relevant experience in an elementary/middle public school classroom. Done as a university student. Minimum of 20 hours. Turned in to professor/committee for evaluation If the waiver is not approved, you will be contacted by OCE. Waiver Deadline: MUST meet with Carol by Friday, January 22 nd to find out!
Only available for the following courses: ED/SPED 200 ED 300 You may choose to arrange a placement at a public school more than 50 miles from SCSU. You must contact the school and teacher directly to make all the arrangements The teacher and/or principal must sign the form Contact the school district’s Human Resources Office to find and follow the district criminal background check policy. Self Placement Deadline: MUST meet with Carol by Friday, January 22 nd to find out!
You will receive an when your placement is ready! 1 week to sign contract NO SIGN CONTRACT = NO START IN FIELD Contact Cooperating Teacher IMMEDIATELY ‘Throughout the semester’ means you are working on it throughout the semester We are guests in the schools
If your cooperating school requires a CBC, it will be attached to the contract. CFS 200/406/413/428, ED 200/315/428, SPED 200/338/339/440/455 will get the St Cloud CBC to fill out and return ASAP! If you know something is on your record, see CAROL immediately. Keep it clean!
You must wear a SCSU Field Experience ID Badge at all times when working in the K-12 schools. These are available in Atwood at the campus card center If you already have a badge, obtain the current semester sticker from OCE
It is REQUIRED that all field experience students carry personal liability insurance. Available through EMSP (Education Minnesota Student Program) $25.00 including required EMSP membership fee Apply on line at Student Members Student Members Apply online Apply online or through your personal insurance company
First Impression Matter…
Be sure to turn in all media or books that you have checked out from the school district library. Turn evaluation in to PROFESSOR not OCE!!! Make a copy for your files. ED 200: Download Evaluation in the OCE Forms section in the OCE Kiosk TURN in to OCE!! ED 300: Download 2 page Evaluation and Cooperating Teacher Letter in the OCE Forms section in the OCE Kiosk CFS 200/SPED 200: Download Evaluation in the OCE Forms section in the OCE Kiosk
Apply online Ask for a sticker from OCE or get an ID Badge EMSP insurance ED/SPED/CFS 200: Download Evaluation from OCE Kiosk ED300: Download 2 page Evaluation AND CT Letter from OCE Kiosk If you are planning on doing a self placement or waiver you need to see Carol
IF YOU WANT TO Student Teach SPRING 2011 attend the Student Teaching Round-Up this semester be on the look-out for the signs