Gun Control Evan Viken
Thesis Gun control is a controversial subject that challenges the rights of private ownership of firearms. It is believed that gun control will reduce crime but in reality gun control does not disarm criminals, it only disarms victims.
Myth: Gun Control Reduces Crime The persuasion method used in this video used logos as it included statistics and various facts explaining why installing more gun control policies will not reduce crime, but increase it.
anti gun control This video uses pathos in a satirical way by saying how ownership of guns creates a hostile work-environment for people who work in home invasions, muggings, and rape. They emphasize how gun control will make business for the criminal workforce flourish, and that criminals will no longer need to fear of being shot or killed. They end with saying that your support for gun control will make the lives for criminals a better one.
New NRA Anti-Obama Ad Ethos was used in this ad with the inclusion of a law abiding family man who just owns guns for hunting, collecting, and protecting his family.
Conclusion Gun control while intended for good reasons fails because only law abiding citizens will obey it; criminals who break laws for a living aren’t going to be disarmed. When you criminalize guns, only criminals will have guns.