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Presentation transcript:


OVERVIEW Context The Consortium – how, why and what Independent Local Solutions – one option Lessons Learned

CONTEXT 1 Rotherham is a town in South Yorkshire between Sheffield and Doncaster. The traditional industries of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – coal and steel – have all but vanished. New jobs, many of them in IT, finance and light engineering replaced those lost, but many are now disappearing due to the economic downturn.

CONTEXT 2 The population of the Borough is around 250,000 and there are approximately 63,000 children and young people aged Rotherham has over 1300 voluntary and community groups, working with all sections of the community. 650 of these have children, young people and families as the main focus of their work.

CONTEXT 3 In voluntary organisations began meeting, prompted by ECM, to explore the potential for collaboration. This became the Rotherham Children, Young People and Families’ Voluntary Sector Consortium. Children and Young People’s Services and Voluntary Action Rotherham are key partners of the Consortium.

CONTEXT 4 The Consortium now has 32+ full members. Representatives are involved in all Children’s Trust arrangements and Safeguarding Board. A Steering Group guides its work, facilitated by Joint Chairs, appointed by members. It employs a worker and part-time admin In 2010 the Consortium became a Limited Company and is becoming a registered charity.

AIM “To achieve the best possible voluntary sector contribution to improving the lives of children, young people and families in Rotherham”

CONSORTIUM OBJECTIVES  Develop knowledge and good practice in VCS...  Increase the voice and influence of CYP&F and VCS within Children’s Trust arrangements...  Develop Joint Projects and Services… … so as to improve the quality of life of children, young people and families in Rotherham and increase the choices available to them

WHAT IS IT NOW? Local voluntary organisations together employing over 300 staff, have over 300 volunteers and work with over 14,000 vulnerable CYP&F; Diverse in size, structure, knowledge & expertise, the communities served and service user groups; Relationship based on trust, enlightened self- interest and a set of common values and principles.

Outcomes 1 Personal development – confidence and self esteem, independence, money management; Accommodation & support for young people who have run away, are thrown out or are otherwise homeless; Information and support to access housing, education, training, employment and other services to achieve independent living;

Outcomes 2 Support to increase mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and sexual health and to counter sexual abuse, bullying, self injury and suicidal feelings; Positive opportunities, short breaks and volunteering opportunities for young people; Promotion of social coherence, equality of opportunity & citizenship;

Outcomes 3 Support to counter domestic violence, sexual exploitation, homelessness, relationship breakdown and to victims of crime; Family support (befriending, advocacy, training, information, practical support and play,) Looked After Children and support to young mums; Education and skills development through art, environmental activities, music and drama, mentoring and tuition.

HOW IT WORKS Members steer the organisation – operates on principles of mutual-aid, trust and co-operation Development worker is accountable to members Regular communication – monthly meetings plus s and website – Members appoint accountable representatives to the Children’s Trust, Scrutiny, Safeguarding Board Learning Communities & other key groups Lead organisations used to deliver projects

ACHIEVEMENTS Partnerships that deliver services in communities i.e. local groups, for local people, by local people Speaking with one voice on key issues e.g. sexual exploitation; Children’s Fund; Drawing additional funding into Rotherham from external sources e.g. V-Youth Volunteer; myplace; Development and promotion of Safeguarding Self Audit Toolkit for VCS organisations; Development and launch of Independent Local Solutions as the ‘trading arm’ of the Consortium

INDEPENDENT LOCAL SOLUTIONS A Community Interest Company – any surplus to support the work of the Consortium Directors drawn from Consortium membership Supported by a Futurebuilders loan/grant ILS contributes tendering and contract management function on behalf of members

ILS AIM Enable small organisations who might not otherwise engage in commissioning to do so; Promote choice & a range of service providers; Consistent standard of quality and delivery; Cost-effective, innovative solutions; Involve communities in their own services.

CYP&F Vol Sector Consortium Independent Local Solutions – Helping to Transform Public Services Quality & Performance Management VAR Social Enterprise – Surplus to Consortium Joint Projects and Services Local Strategic Partnership Increased Knowledge, Understanding & Good Practice Capacity Building and Workforce Development CYP&F Network Consortium governance, maintenance and development Innovation Workshops e.g. ‘Design it Different’ Representation and Influence on Children’s Trust Co-operative working e.g. Joint Marketing; shared services Wider VCS Amplify the Voice and Needs of Excluded groups and communities THE ROTHERHAM CYP&F VOLUNTARY SECTOR CONSORTIUM

CYP&F Vol Sector Consortium THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDEPENDENT LOCAL SOLUTIONS AND THE CYPF CONSORTIUM Independent Local Solutions – Helping to Transform Public Services Social Enterprise – Surplus to Consortium



Market Scanning and Intelligence Form Steering Group THE ROLE OF ILS IN SECURING COLLABORATIVE CONTRACTS

Market Scanning and Intelligence Tender Form Steering Group THE ROLE OF ILS IN SECURING COLLABORATIVE CONTRACTS

Market Scanning and Intelligence Tender Form Steering Group Contract and agreements THE ROLE OF ILS IN SECURING COLLABORATIVE CONTRACTS

Market Scanning and Intelligence Tender Form Steering Group Negotiated Partnership delivery Contract and agreements THE ROLE OF ILS IN SECURING COLLABORATIVE CONTRACTS

Market Scanning and Intelligence Tender Form Steering Group Negotiated Partnership delivery ILS Delivers Performance, Quality & Contract Management Service Partners Deliver Services LLP 1 Contract and agreements THE ROLE OF ILS IN SECURING COLLABORATIVE CONTRACTS

Market Scanning and Intelligence Tender Form Steering Group Negotiated Partnership delivery ILS Delivers Performance, Quality & Contract Management Service Partners Deliver Services LLP 2 LLP 3 LLP 1 LLP etc. Contract and agreements THE ROLE OF ILS IN SECURING COLLABORATIVE CONTRACTS

Market Scanning and Intelligence Tender Form Steering Group Negotiated Partnership delivery ILS Delivers Performance, Quality & Contract Management Service Partners Deliver Services LLP 2 LLP 3 LLP 1 LLP etc. Contract and agreements THE ROLE OF ILS IN SECURING COLLABORATIVE CONTRACTS

Strengths of ILS 1.Local knowledge, experience and presence 2.Proximity to service recipients at the point of delivery 3.Combined track record of outcome achievement in, and for, Rotherham 4.Diversity and range 5.Ability to facilitate the voice and influence of disadvantaged and excluded communities 6.Understanding of the differing needs of children, young people and families across Rotherham

What have we done well so far? 1.Evidence based design. 2.Coordination. 3.Been very selective about contracts. 4.Communication. 5.Designed for the long haul.

Lessons we’ve learned 1.Always keep a client focus. 2.You can’t get enough legal advice. 3.Never assume that people know enough about your plans. 4.Make sure that everyone understands your business focussed approach. 5.Be prepared to answer difficult questions. 6.Some issues are only addressed though action – get a contract! 7.It has potential for organisations that wish to work closely together without going into full merger.