English Book Club 2007 AGM Up-date
2007 Membership Drive Club posters placed on notice boards in main buildings Posters in CERN library and hostels Use of club pages in SA Echo Special summer student advertisements Other (links on websites etc)
The numbers for 2007
Co-operation: CERN Library Talks held for buying books via the library Poster and advertising in library Book data-base integration into CDS
Book Data-Base Old DB not maintained EDMS team extracted last data set for us in excel format Last few years integrated into excel file CERN library happy to integrate our listing into the CERN document server (CDS)
Integration into CDS A few test records from the last book purchase have been done Full integration is possible but works better if all books have their ISBN numbers We should provide raw data (with ISBN if possible) Library will (slowly) enter data into CDS
CDS – how it works New private collection ENGLISH BOOK CLUB Available from BROWSE and Browse collections other search fields can be filled or not to narrow the search of the clubs records
CDS – search results Search results are listed Each result is linked to a more detailed record
ISBNs and book information links The more information we can give to the CDS team for entry into the records the more links the system can provide (to Amazon reviews for example)
Automated ISBN searching Not as easy as it sounds Have one trial software that works (100 book limit) 50 different PCs – 100 books each ! TO TRY: Mark will try and code a applet to do this Or live with “smart” linking for new books only
Loans recording Tried in the past Not available through CDS Manual system requires effort from ALL borrowers – unworkable (24/7 free access to all, no check-in/out, etc) Current (and future) answer - ask via the SIMBA list. Link on website
Book donations In theory a very nice idea However - we are not a rubbish tip The committees guidelines on book donations are: Donations ONLY by appointment Only quality hardback books sorted by the donor with a committee member (we reserve the right to dump any unwanted material left in the clubrooms) Accepted books to be labeled and shelved immediately (during sorting appointment) Remember there are a number of charities in the region that are only too happy to accept donations