ETM Networks
ETM Computer Networks “An interconnected collection of autonomous end-systems” End Systems: hosts, PCs, dedicated computers, network components Connection can be via various means: copper wire, fiber optic cables, microwaves, satellites, ham radio. Distributed Systems: – Existence of multiple autonomous computers is transparent (not visible), machines managed automatically Network: – Users explicitly log onto a machine, machines managed personally
ETM Network Hardware Broadly speaking : two types of transmission technology 1) Broadcast Networks 2) Point-to-Point Networks Broadcast (multiaccess) Point-to-point
ETM Broadcast Networks Single communication channel that is shared by all the machines on the network Share wire, frequency etc. Packets (small messages) sent by one mechanism is received by the others. Each machine checks the address field in the provided message. If the address is the same as receiving machine’s address, packet is processed, otherwise it is ignored. Some arbitration mechanism is needed when more than one machine want to send message at the same time. Multicasting: transmission to a subset of machines.
ETM Point-to-Point Networks Consists of many connections between individual pair of machines. To go from source machine to destination machine, packet may have to visit intermediate machines. Various routes (multiple paths) possible Routing algorithms are required.
ETM Connecting Networks - Repeaters - Copies bits from one network to another Does not look at (interpret) bits Allows the extension of a network beyond physical length limitations REPEATER
ETM Connecting Networks - Bridges - Copies frames from one network to another Can operate selectively – does not copy all forms Extends the network beyond physical length limitations
ETM Connecting Networks - Routers - Switching Elements, packet switching nodes, intermediate systems, data switching exchanges Copies packets from one network to another Makes decisions about what route (path) a packet should take If two routers not connected by direct link want to communicate, they do so by using intermediate routers Subnets in which intermediate routers can store a packet and forward it is called point-to-point or store-and-forward, packet switched.
ETM Subnet LAN host LAN Router SUBNET
ETM Connecting Networks - Gateways - Operates as a router A gateway is a host that is connected to two or more physical networks simultaneously and is configured to switch packets between them Can perform – Data conversions – Translation: connect different application protocols – encryption
ETM Hardware vs. Software Repeaters are typically hardware devices Bridges can be implemented in hardware or software Routers and gateways are typically implemented in software so that they can be extended to handle new protocols Many workstations can operate as routers or gateways
ETM Local Area Networks (LANs) LANs connect computers that are physically close together LANs are restricted in size Worst case transmisson time is bounded and known in advance High speed Transmission technology: multi-access (broadcast) Speeds – Ethernet: 10 Mbps – Token Ring: 16 Mbps – FDDI: 100 Mbps – Fast Ethernet: 100 Mbps – Gigabit Ethernet: 1 Gbps
ETM Classification of Networks Smaller, geographically localized networks tend to use broadcasting. Larger networks are usually point-to-point. Interprocessor DistanceProcessors located in the same:Example 1msystemmulticomputer 10m 100m 1km Room Building Campus LAN 10kmCity Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) 100km 1000km Country Continent Wide Area Network (WAN) 10000kmPlanetThe Internet
ETM Transmission Media Can be classified as: – Guided : waves are guided along a solid medium such as copper wire, optical fiber etc. – Unguided : wireless transmission, atmosphere, outer space, transmit electromagnetic signals, radio, laser etc. Design issues in transmission systems: – Data rate, distance, bandwidth, transmission impairments, interference, number of receivers etc.
ETM Twisted Pair (guided trans. media) Oldest, least expensive, most widely used Telephones connected to telcos by twisted pair (subscriber loops) Can transmit both analog and digital signals: – For analog: amplifiers needed every 5 to 6 km – For digital: repeaters required every 2 to 3 km Limited distance, bandwidth compared to others
ETM Twisted Pair (guided trans media) 2 kinds: 1) Unshielded (UTP, 10 Base T) is ordinary telephone wire, least expensive transmission media for LANs 2) Shielded: shield twisted pair with a metalic braid/sheating to reduce interference, more expensive UTP kinds: – Category 3: 3 or 4 twists per foot, (data rates: 16 Mbps) – Category 5: 3 to 4 twists per inch (data rates: 100 Mbps)
ETM Coaxial Cable (guided trans. media) Can be used over longer distances and supports more stations on a shared line than twisted pair. Bandwidth possible depends on cable length. For 1 km cables 1-2 Gbps feasible. Widespread use: television distribution, long distance telephone transmission, short-run computer system, local area networks Varieties: thin, thick coaxial
ETM Fiber Optics (guided trans. media) Physiscs: light ray is refracted (bent) when passing from one medium to another) Above a critical angle of incidence, light is refracted back into silica (hence trapped inside fiber) and can travel for many kilometers
ETM Fiber Optics (guided trans. media) Lower attenuation Fibers thinner and lighter weight (considerably) Data Rates: 1 Gbs, 100 Gbps, 1 Tbps
ETM Fiber Optics (guided trans. media) Electromagnetic isolation (i.e. not affected by external electromagnetic fields) no interference Difficult to tap, therefore better security Enables greater spacing between repeaters Multimode fiber: allows many different rays incident at different angles to travel Singlemode fiber: employs fiber core which has small distance (of the order of a wavelength) and allows only a single ray to pass. Singlemode fiber is more expensive but can be used for longer distances.
ETM Global Wireless Network Standards IEEE (Bluetooth) for the Personal Area Network (PAN) IEEE (Wi-Fi) for the Local Area Network (LAN) IEEE (WiMax) for the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) IEEE standard for the Mobile Broadband Wireless Access (MBWA)
ETM Bluetooth Can link up to 8 devices in 10-m area Can transmit up to 722 Kbps in the 2.4 GhZ band Low power requirements Radio based communication
ETM Bluetooth
ETM Wi-Fi Three standards: – a: up to 54 Mbps (10 – 30 meters) – b : up to 11 Mbps (30 – 100 meters) – g : up to 54 Mbps (30 – 100 meters) Infrastructure mode: Devices use access point to communicate with wired network Ad-hoc mode (peer-to-peer): Wireless devices communicate directly with each other
ETM Wireless LAN
ETM The Telephone System Telephone was patented by Alexander Graham Bell, Evolution of the structure of telephone system: (a) Fully-interconnected network. (b) Centralized switch. (c) Two-level hierarchy.
ETM The Telephone System Basic Bell system model remained essentially intact up to now. Presently, we have highly redundant multilevel hierarchy. Hierarchy: Home, End Office, Toll Office, Primary Office, Sectional Office, Regional Office Transmission media used: – Local loops consist of twisted pair – Between switching offices: coaxial cables, microwaves, fiber optics Transmission: – Local loops: analog signaling – Trunks: mostly digital
ETM Structure of Telephone System
ETM Local Loop Between home and the end office Modems can be used to connect computer at home Baud Rate: Signalling speed – the number of times per second that signal changes its value (i.e. its voltage) – b-baud line does not necessarily transmit b bits/sec – each signal may convey several bits – Example: if voltages 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 are used, each signal can convey 3 bits. So bit rate: 3 X baud rate DSL (Digital subscriber lines) : Use existing telephone lines to transmit signals. 500Kbps-1.5Mbps possible. – ADSL is asymmetric DSL : download and upload speeds are different. Upload speed is slower than download speed.
ETM Trunks and Multiplexing Cost of installing and maintaining both high-bandwidth and low bandwidth trunk the same (essentially) Therefore, choose high-bandwidth trunk installation To efficiently use high bandwidth, multiplex many conversations over a single trunk Multiplexing schemes: – Frequency Division Multiplexing – Wavelength Division Multiplexing – Time Division Multiplexing
ETM Example of Time Division Multiplexing T1 Carrier (1.544 Mbps): – 24 voice channels multiplexed together – Analog signals are sampled on a round robin basis
ETM Multiplexing T1 streams into higher carriers
ETM Layered Network Software Architecture Model
ETM Protocol Hierarchies Design issues for the layers: addressing, error control, flow control, multiplexing, routing
ETM OSI Reference Model Network architecture model based on a proposal developed by International Standards Organization (ISO) OSI: Open Systems Interconnection Standardized protocols for network layers OSI has 7 layers
ETM OSI Layers LayerResponsibility 1) Physical Layer Transmission of raw bits over a communication channel 2) Data Link Layer Data Link Control MAC Sublayer - Provide an error free communication link. Issues: framing, addressing - Medium Access Control needed by multiaccess communications. MAC provides DLC with virtual wires on multiaccess networks 3) Network Layer - Path selection between end-systems (routing) - Subnet flow control - Translation between different network types 4) Transport layer - Provides virtual end-to-end links between peer processes. Fragmentation and reassembly. End-to-end flow control 5) Session Layer - Establishes, manages and terminates sessions between applications. Service location lookup. 6) Presentation Layer- Data encryption, data compression, data conversion 7) Application Layer- Anything not provided by other layers
ETM TCP/IP Reference Model First used in ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sponsored by US Department of Defense Now used in worldwide Internet Goal: ability to connect multiple networks in a transparent way Requirements: Connections should remain intact as long as source and destination machines are functioning even if some of the intermediate machines, links are out of operation Internetwork Layer (Internet) : Packet switching network based on a connectionless internetwork layer.
ETM TCP/IP Reference Model
ETM Protocols and networks in the TCP/IP model
ETM Why OSI Model/Protocols were not implemented Bad timing Bad technology Bad implementations Bad politics