Essay Writing In ENG 349
Your Essay Assignment Chose a topic from our readings in the Hayhoe book that interests you and that you want to learn more about.
Assignment Requirements 5-6 page (excludes title page and bibliography page) At least one source other than the Connecting Technology book. --cannot use Tech Comm in 21 st Cent. Use citation and bibliography format from MLA.
Part I--Usability: Making Technology Fit Its Users 1. Making Connections: Teaming Up to Connect Users, Developers, and Usability Experts 2. Usability Standards: Connecting Practice Around the World 4. Manuals for the Elderly: Text Characteristics That Help or Hinder Older Users
Part III-Health and Safety: Informing Society of Risks and Dangers 11. Challenges to Effective Information and Communication Systems in Humanitarian Relief Organizations 12. Using Role Sets to Engage and Persuade Visitors of Web Sites that Promote Safe Sex 13. Physicians and Patients: How Professionals Build Relationships through Rapport Management
Part IV-Biotechnology: Reporting Its Potential and Its Problems 14. Connecting Popular Culture and Science: The Case of Biotechnology 15. Biotechnology and Global Miscommunication with the Public: Rhetorical Assumptions, Stylistic Acts, Ethical Implications 16. The Need for Technical Communicators as Facilitators of Negotiation in Controversial Technology Transfer Cases
Part V-Corporate Environment: ImprovingTechnology 17. Technical Language: Learning from the Columbia and Challenger Reports 19. Managing Collaboration: Adding Communication and Documentation Environment to a Product Development Cycle 22. Using Their Digital Notes: Three Cases to Make Tacit Knowledge Visible in a Web-based Surrounding
Difference between essay and reading response An essay is a formal argument. A reading response is informal reaction to a text.
Essay Presents an argument Has a thesis Is supported by points. Are supported by sources.
Example Topic: Use of Role Sets When Communicating to Audiences Thesis: Role sets are effective ways of writing information for resistant users. Support: They provide models users can relate to. They minimize anxiety. They are applicable to different industries. As shown in this example, role sets can be effective.
Use of Sources Refer to information from sources you have read to back up your points. Our course book is only one source. Find other sources in: Bibliography at end of the article in our book Milner Online Library Look under key words Find research or scholarly articles.
Essay Organization Think of these parts but do NOT use these titles in paper except for “Bibliography.” Title Page Introduction Body Point 1 Support Point 2 Support Etc. Conclusion Bibliography