Deep Impact First look inside a comet Dr. Paul Roche Faulkes Telescope Project Cardiff University
Overview Intro to Deep Impact Comets in history The modern comet Why study them? Deep Impact mission summary
Comets in history
Isaac Newton, 1680
“Dirty snowballs” Nucleus Coma Tails : dust, gas Water + molecules The Modern Comet
Why study comets? Formation of Solar system Impacts and mass extinctions Life in the universe?
Solar System History >4.6 Gy dark cloud Planets accrete Hadean Oceans + rocks form ~4.4 Gy ago Late planetary bombardment Comets bring water + organics Archean Oldest life on Earth Gy ago
Death of the Dinosaurs
Climate & Civilisation Tree-rings & ice-cores “Extreme climatic downturns” 2345 BC Bronze Age 1628 BC 1159 BC 540 AD Dark Ages Dragon myths?
Deep Impact Mission Summary
Comet Uncertainties Density? What lies beneath surface? Chemistry? Aging processes?
Comet Aging Build up of surface dust Lower albedo Large grains cannot leave Uneven surface jets Non gravitational acceleration
Mission Profile Geocentric Dist0.89 AU Heliocentric Dist1.49 AU Primary Goal Differences between interior and surface Pristine Solar System material Secondary Goal Cratering physics Assess comet impact hazard Calibrate crater record Comet evolution 360 kg impactor 10.2 km/s
Approach & Encounter Tempel-1 Nucleus Shield Mode Attitude through Inner Coma Science and Autonav Imaging to Impact sec ITM-1 Start E-88 min ITM-2 E-48 min ITM-3 E-15 min Impactor Release E-24 hours TCA + TBD sec AutoNav Enabled E-2 hr Flyby S/C Deflection Maneuver E-23.5 hr 2-way S-band Crosslink 500 km
Spacecraft Overview Instruments MRI, ITS, HRI
Launch 12/1/05 & First Light
Flyby Simulation
Ground Science Nucleus size and albedo Nucleus rotation Dust scattering properties Dust / Gas evolution Education & Public Outreach program
Summary Deep Impact mission – live and exciting science Studying properties of comets First views “below surface” FTN will participate in scientific research programme Opportunities for schools involvement
Cooking up a Comet… Water H 2 0 Carbon C Rocks SiO 2 Organic compoundsCHON Carbon DioxideCO 2