1 GLOBAL INTEGRATION OF GRADUATE PROGRAMMES GIGP October 2005 Irkutsk, Russia ______________________________________________________ Investigating the Graduates’ Prospects in the ICT Labour Market Vassilis Kostoglou Department of Informatics, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 141, 57400, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2 CONTENTS Research Objectives Methodology Results - Recent past - Present situation - Prospects - ICT professions - Associations and effects Conclusions
3 Research Objectives Methodology
4 Alterations in number of ICT enterprise employees during the last three years RECENT PAST
5 Alterations in number of ICT enterprise vocational directions
6 Alterations in ICT enterprise turnover
7 PRESENT SITUATION Alterations in competition within the ICT sector
8 Opinions (in %) about the unemployment rate of ICT graduates in comparison with mean national unemployment rate
9 Opinions (in %) about the ICT personnel demand in comparison with offer
10 Opinions (in %) about the present specialization needs of ICT personnel in comparison with the recent past
11 PROSPECTS Estimations about ICT labour market’s prospects for the next five years
12 Estimations about prospects for the next three years
13 Expected increase of the demand for the main specialization sectors 1: ICT enterprise percentage Specialization sector High increase (%) Low increase (%) 1 Equal (%) 1 Low decrease (%) 1 High decrease (%) Web Development and Administration Administration and Database Development 35,443,718,22,6- Enterprise Systems Analysis and Integration 31,443,617,22,60,6 Technical Support 38,335,7241,60,3 Network Design and Administration 35,338,723,32,30,3 Programming and Software Engineering 33,136,523,65,71 Multimedia 25,141,625,86,80,7
14 Rank of ICT professions according to their popularity ICT PROFESSION % of ICT enterprises using the profession PC Technician54.2 Network Technician47.8 Programmer47.2 Technical Support Manager47.2 Information Technology Engineer40.5
15 ICT PROFESSION % of ICT enterprises using the profession Network and Computer Systems Administrator37.6 Database Analyst37.3 Database Developer37.3 Computer Operator 37 Information Technology Project Leader34.4 Customer Service Representative32.9 Applications Analyst31.8 Database Administrator29.2 Systems Analyst27.1 Communications and Network Engineer26.8 Database Administrator25.7 Web Producer25.7 Operating Systems Programmer/Analyst25.7 System Programmer22.2 Computer and Network Security Specialist21.3 IS Services Director/Manager 21
16 ICT PROFESSION % of ICT enterprises using the profession Business Analyst19.5 Information Systems Planner19 E-Business Specialist18.4 Webmaster17.5 Database Security Expert15.7 Computer Science Lecturer / Trainer14.3 Multimedia Specialist12.2 E-Publishing Specialist 6.1 Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist5
17 The 10 ‘easiest’ ICT professions in Greece (according to the degree of easiness of finding a relevant IT professional) ICT PROFESSION % of ICT enterprises reporting that it is ‘easy’ to find a relevant professional Computer Operator72.3 PC Technician58.7 Computer Science Lecturer / Trainer42.7 Information Technology Engineer40.5 Network Technician 40 Programmer37.9 Web Producer37.3 Multimedia Specialist31.6 Webmaster30.7 Technical Support Manager28.9
18 The 10 ‘more difficult’ ICT professions in Greece (according to the degree of difficultness of finding a relevant IT professional) ICT PROFESSION % of ICT enterprises reporting that it is ‘difficult’ to find a relevant professional Geographic Information System Specialist70.6 Database Security Expert 60 Computer and Network Security Specialist54.6 Business Analyst47.4 Information Technology Project Leader46.2 Database Analyst45.3 Applications Analyst40.5 Systems Analyst40.2 Information Systems Planner39.3 E-Publishing Specialist 37
19 ● According to their spreading - High spreading (over 40%): 5 professions - Medium spreading (between 20% and 40%): 16 professions - Low spreading (under 20%): 9 professions ● According to the number of enterprise characteristics effecting their presence - Not affected. Uniform spreading: 7 professions - One (1) effecting characteristic. Affected by the enterprise size: 13 professions - Two (2) effecting characteristics. Affected by the enterprise size and age: 2 professions Affected by the enterprise size and geographical range of activities: 5 professions - Three (3) effecting characteristics. Affected by the enterprise size, age and geographical range of activities: 1 profession Affected by the enterprise size, age and location: 1 profession - Four (4) effecting characteristics. Affected by all main enterprise characteristics: 1 profession ICT PROFESSIONS CATEGORIES
20 End of presentation _______________________________ Thank you for your attention