Christian Mandel Safe & Secure Cognitive Systems / DFKI-Lab Bremen Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Supported Human Autonomy for Recovery and Enhancement of cognitive and motor abilities using information technologies
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Smart Wheelchairs Rolland Spheric
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Driving Assistant Route Assistant Dialog- Controlled Driving Assistant Safe Wheelchair Multi-Modal Driving Assistant Smart Wheelchair Rolland
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Formal Safety in Robotics (BMBF project: Safe Autonomous Mobile Systems) Dynamic Safety Zone Integration in Scanner
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Safe Computer, Medizin Musem Exhibit 6 months at Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum ~ 10,000 People Experimented with Rolland
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Driving Assistant
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Multi Modal Driving Assistant Routes on Display Label Acoustically Distinguishable Terms User Selection Speech input
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Route Assistant Self-Localize in Map Give Route Instructions Drive Autonomously
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Dialogue, Autonomous Mode Interpretation of Route Instructions Autonomous Navigation to Specified Goal
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Head-Joystick With Safety Module Quantitative: Proportional Joystick Qualitative: Interprete Head-Gestures as Qualitative Directions
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment IntelligentWalker Driving Assistant Route Assistant Dialog- Controlled Driving Assistant Safe Wheelchair Multi-Modal Driving Assistant Interaction as for Rolland, Safe Navigation
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment B AAL Cartesium, Bremen BremenSafety and Security AmbientAmbient Intelligence AssistedAdaptive Assistant Systems LivingEveryday Usability, Trial LabDemonstration, Evaluation
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Casa Agevole Model Apartment, Roma progettazione/casa-agevole-fondazione Arch. Fabrizio Vescovo 60 m 2 Apartment/House „Design For Sta. Lucia Hotel Model for B AAL Bremen + Assistive Technology
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment B AAL L Demo Scenario
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Environment Control: i2home EU AAL project: DFKI-SB Accessibility Design for All Universal Control Hub Multi Modal Interaction + Spoken Dialog
Rolland and IntelligentWalker in an AAL Environment Contact Prof. Dr. Bernd Krieg-Brückner Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems DFKI-Labor Bremen Enrique-Schmidt Str. 5 D Bremen