PNC in nuclei Non-leptonic, Non- strangeness changing, Probes H weak and Establishes IS, IV and IT strengths. Parity mixing in the energy levels shows up in EM and Strong decay. Only Few Cases 18 F 90 meV 19 F ~380(100) meV 21 Ne 30 meV 93 Tc ~0.59(19)(25) meV 180 Hf~1.0(0.1) eV Parity doublet at 300 eV Proximity. Unique case For non-zero PNC. 93 Tc High Spin Isomer: N=50,Well described by Shell model Wave Func. Parity Non-conservation in the decay of Polarized 17/2 - isomers in 93 Tc Weizmann Institute of Science, ISRAEL, GSI, Germany,NSCL, Michigan, USA
45 Sc( 52 Cr, 2p2n) 93 Tc E lab ( 93 Tc) = 65 MeVChecked with Si-det. Separates and Tranfers to Focal Plane Area E-degrader 0.2 mg/cm 2 to avoid foil stack damage. M. Hass et al., PLB 371, 25, previous work at SHIP- GSI, RMS-LNL TF technique for Polarization Stepper Motor 2 mins. + 1sec g/cm ° Asmmetry (A ) in the M2/E3( ) -decay due to E2 Componet
Results Present+PLB, 371, 25: A = 4.8 (2.1) , =0.34(14)(25) meV Theory: 1p 1/2 -0g 9/2 with IV strength correction by an empirical factor of 0.15±0.15. = to 1 meV