Mother Goose Rhyme Time Fun Blue Valley Youth Services Miss Dorian Blue Valley Youth Services
Baby Actions Fly baby, fly baby, fly, fly, fly Cry baby, cry baby, cry, cry, cry Roll baby, roll baby, roll, roll, roll Crawl baby, crawl baby, crawl, crawl, crawl Dive baby, dive baby, dive, dive, dive Swim baby, swim baby, swim, swim, swim Hop baby, hop baby, hop, hop, hop Stop baby, stop baby, STOP! STOP! STOP! All of these activities we are doing here today: crawling, hopping, reaching, bouncing stimulate brain development. Continue to do them at home with your child. Did you know? Crawling, hopping, reaching, and bouncing activities stimulate brain development. Have fun playing with your child often.
which gives them a larger vocabulary. HELP YOUR CHILD BE READY TO READ NAME THINGS AROUND YOU This helps children learn new words which gives them a larger vocabulary. Today we are naming body parts. When you go to the grocery store, talk about what you are buying. For instance, let’s get this pepper, this big, red pepper. Did you know? Knowing the names of things starts VERY early. Narrate your day – say what you are doing while you are doing it.
Up to your shoulders if you please. Reach for the ceiling Touch the floor Stand up again Let’s do some more. Touch your head Then your knees Up to your shoulders if you please. That’s all for now, There isn’t any more.
HERE ARE MY EARS Here are my ears Here is my nose Here are my fingers Here are my toes. Here are my eyes Both open wide Here is my mouth With teeth inside. Here is my tongue That helps me speak Here are my knees And here are my cheeks. Here are my hands That help me play Here are my feet For walking today. Did you know? Simple rhyming games like this one help to build vocabulary by naming body parts.
These are Mother’s knives and forks, This is Mother’s table, This is Mother’s looking glass. And this is baby’s cradle.
Here is the beehive, Where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees. Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. One, two, three, four, five. Bzzzzzz.
CLAP, CLAP, CLAP YOUR HANDS AS SLOWLY AS YOU CAN. AS QUICKY AS YOU CAN. Shake…. Roll…… Rub……. Wiggle your fingers… Pound your fists….
Here are Grandpa’s glasses This is the way he folds his arms Here are Grandma’s glasses Here is Grandma’s hat This is the way she folds her hands And lays them in her lap. Here are Grandpa’s glasses Here is Grandpa’s hat This is the way he folds his arms Just like that!
HELP YOUR CHILD BE READY TO READ by: SINGING SONGS Helps your child hear syllables in words. Each syllable gets a different note in most songs. Now we are going to add some music. Sing a lot to your child. It helps them hear syllables in words because generally each syllable gets a different note.
There were ten in the bed And the little one said, “Roll over. Roll over.” So they all rolled over and one fell out. There were nine in the bed….. There were eight in the bed….. There were seven in the bed….. 6, 5,4,3,2 in the bed…. There was one in the bed and the little one said, “Goodnight.”
Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around Teddy bear, teddy bear Touch the ground Teddy bear, teddy bear show your shoe Teddy bear, teddy bear that will do. Teddy bear, teddy bear climb in bed. Teddy bear, teddy bear sleepyhead. Teddy bear, teddy bear switch off the light Teddy bear, teddy bear say “goodnight”
I’m a little teapot , short and stout Here is my handle, here is my spout When I get all steamed up I just shout, “Tip me over and pour me out!” I’m a very special pot it’s true Here’s an example of what I can do. I can turn my handle into a spout Just tip me over and pour me out!
BOING, BOING, SQUEAK A boing, boing squeak, a boing, boing squeak A bouncing mouse is in my house, It’s been here for a week. It bounced from out of nowhere. Then quickly settled in. I’m grateful that it came alone--- (I’ve heard it has a twin) It bounces in the kitchen, It bounces in the den. It bounces through the living room-- Look! There it goes again.
TICKLE YOU HERE Hug you here, hug you there, Hug you, hug you everywhere. Tickle you here, tickle you there, Tickle you, tickle you everywhere. Bounce you here, bounce you there, Bounce you, bounce you everywhere.
LITTLE FLEA GOTCHA!! Creeping, creeping little flea Up my leg and past my knee To my tummy up he goes Past my chin and to my nose Now he’s creeping down my chin To my tummy once again Down my leg and past my knee To my toe that little flea. GOTCHA!! LITTLE FLEA Did you know? Simple songs like this one help to build vocabulary by naming body parts.
ROLY POLY Roly Poly up Roly Poly down Roly Poly in Roly Poly out Roly Poly bye-bye! THANKS FOR COMING SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!
At Home: Give your child board books to hold and explore HELP YOUR CHILD BE READY TO READ Give your child board books to hold and explore Point to pictures and talk about them Use books with clear and simple pictures Have fun with books Sing and Rhyme often