Council 18 th July 2008 Budget 2008/09 and Long Term Plan to 2011/12
Key Points in Forecast Growth in teaching income & student nos. Growth in funded research income & margins. Positive trading surplus in all years, despite impact of rising interest charges. Long term debt peaks at £130m before falling to current level. Capital spend reaches £219m gross, £118m net.
Operating and Trading Surplus
Operating Cash Flow
Capital Expenditure Funding
External Borrowing
Key Ratios 2008/092009/102010/112011/12 OCF:interest OCF:debt service Debt service:turnover 3.72%3.69%3.29%1.96% Debt:net assets35.27%42.43%37.75%23.69%
Sensitivity Analysis /09 £ /10 £ /11 £ /12 £000 Contingency1,1922,0123,3823,426 Gas price Electricity price ,168-1, pay award 4.1% not 3.5%
Sensitiviy Analysis /09 £ /10 £ /11 £ /12 £000 Pension costs up 1% 0-1,381-1,468-1,543 O/seas students 1% +/- 178+/- 201+/- 216+/- 230 Research margin 1% +/- 132+/- 141+/- 153+/- 163 HEFCE income inflation +1%
Key Uncertainties Pay inflation, particularly impact of October 2008 increase. Utility price inflation beyond our current contracts. Ability to impact inflation associated with income. Potential for extra costs of running USS and/or UoY pension schemes.