1 The CMS Heavy Ion Program Michael Murray Kansas
2 CMS is a running experiment
3 Overview The detector Soft Physics Multiplicity ,k,p at low pt Flow Hard Physics Jets Photons Quarkonia Photon nucleus Z Jet Event
4 Rapidity Range A new telescope for new probes High Rate, Trigger Y=4
5 LHC RHIC SPS Hard probes are rare
6 The Central Detector Pixels Strips EM Cal HCal Coil Muons Iron
7 A transverse slice through CMS
8 HCAL ECAL Tracker Coil A slice along Z
9 Castor 5.2< <6.6 ZDC >8.3 Forward Detectors
10 HIJING default settings Pixels hits count Multiplicity/event Pseudo rapidity Find hits in pixels, using an energy cut. We also have a tracklet analysis.
11 | |<1 Low p T hadrons Find tracks in pixels and use energy loss vs momentum for particle ID p T (GeV/c) pT pT Efficiency dN dp T
12 1. Find the reaction plane calorimeters and tracker 2. Use 2, 4 particle correlations or Lee Yang Zeros Ecal 0.37 V2 with tracker Elliptic Flow Reaction plane x z y rad p T (GeV/c) V2V2 d dE
13 Triggering L /cm 2 /s Bunch cross Interaction rate Level 1Event size HLT rate offline pp ns40MHz1/4001MB100 KHz 150Hz PbPb ns8KHz1/ MB 8 Khz Hz Trigger increases p T range by > 2 for many probes
14 dN ch /d = 5000 Iterative cone (R>=0.5) with background subtraction: calculate average energy and dispersion in tower (in eta rings) for each event subtract average energy and dispersion from each tower find jets with a jet finder algorithm (any) using the new tower energies recalculate average energy and dispersion using towers free of jets recalculate jet energies Done, but can do more iterations Space resolution is less then the tower size Finding Jets MC Jet E T (GeV) Rec E T
Efficiency ~ 70 %, fake rate ~ 1% p T (GeV/c) <0.5 Single strips Double strips Pixels Z (m) Y (m) Efficiency % Fakes % pT % z cm 2.0< <2.5 <0.5 Pointing useful for heavy quarks p T (GeV/c) Tracking
16 jet trigger data High Pt Assume luminosity = 0.5 nb -1 10% Central Energy loss from HYDJET No trigger R AA p T (GeV/c) Charged particles | |<2.5 p T (GeV/c)
17 Efficiency = 60% Fake = 3.5% S/B=4.5 Photons Photon ID based only on cluster shape and isolation cuts using a multi-variate analysis. We reconstruct photon energy with Island algorithm
18 I =0..5 nb -1 Jet fragmention from jet events Require photon E T > 70GeV
19 cc Suppression: RHIC similar to SPS Regeneration compensate screening J/ not screened at RHIC (T D ~2Tc) LHC: recombination or suppression Suppression of B’onium states Large Cross-section: 20 x RHIC melts only at LHC: T D ~4 T C Fewer of bb pairs: less regeneration Much cleaner probe than J/ '' J/ Quarkonia Branching ration is 5.9% for J/ , 2.5%Y (BR:2.5%) Background is from decays from /K, b-,c-mesons Suppression of charmonion
20 J/ + - dN ch /d = 5000 dN ch /d = 2500 For 0.5 nb -1 we reconstruct 180K J/ Signal/Background: ~5 for | |<0.8, 1 for | |<2.4 = 35 MeV | |<2.4 Produced Reconstructed 2500 Reconstructed 5000 p T (GeV/c) M (GeV)
21 | |<2.4, = 90MeV mass resolution, 90 MeV | |<2.4 Y ~ , Y' ~ 7 000, Y'' ~ Signal/Background: 1 | |<0.8, 0.1 for | |<2.4) Y + - M (GeV) Produced Reconstructed 2500 Reconstructed 5000 p T (GeV/c)
22 Photon nucleus Max photon energy ~ 80 GeV Pb: S ≈ 1. TeV/n S ≈ 160 GeV M (GeV) M ee (GeV)
23 Summary CMS has an excellent opportunity to study partonic matter at both soft and hard scales, via Multiplicity Soft spectra Flow Forward Physics Quarkonia Hard spectra Photons Jets Z
24 Backup slides
25 CMS acceptance ECAL, PbWO x Inner detector HCAL (sampling) 0.087x0.087 (HB) >0.17 (HE) HF Muon Spectrometer Cast or CMS: Inner detector (| |<2.5) ECAL (| |<3) HCAL (| |<3) HF (3<| |<5) Muon (| |<2.4) Castor (5<| |<6.7) ZDC (| |>8)