1 CIS101 Introduction to Computing Week 01 Professor Catherine Dwyer
2 Agenda Class Introductions What is CIS101? Using the Pace Portal, Pace , and Blackboard Post a message Introduction to Excel Using the digital drop box Next week’s homework and assignments
3 Catherine Dwyer Lecturer IS Dept. Full time since Fall 2000 Other classes taught: CS121, CS122, IS112 (now), IS223, IS323, IS396E (Java), IS660Z(Programming Games Using VB) Lead developer for Web Assisted CIS101 (2002) Revision Chair for IS Undergraduate curriculum (2003) Co-author with Dr. Jeanine Meyer of Programming Games With Visual Basic, Course Technology, 2001
4 My IS Background MS in CS (Pace), PhD candidate in IS program at NJIT, research area virtual teams Two daughters, Sophomore and 8th grade Prior Experience: Programmer/Analyst at NYC investment bank, Technology Coordinator at Graphics Design Firm Husband journalist with The New York Times Hobbies: reading, bike riding, swimming, cooking You?
5 Required Texts Excel 2003 Introductory Concepts and Techniques HTML Complete Concepts and Techniques, 3rd ed. JavaScript 101, Version 3.0 Security Awareness: Applying practical security in your world
6 What is CIS101? Fulfills core requirement for computing course Has these components Computer security Learning pod (Computers and Society) Application software (Excel) HTML and Web Development Introduction to Programming (JavaScript)
7 What is a learning pod? Theme that integrates technology with another topic Technology is a part of all aspects of modern life, and all professions In this section, we will research and discuss the ethical and legal issues that must be addressed with relation to the impact of technology on society
8 Computer Security Computer security affects individuals and organizations Do you have spyware on your computer? How is your computer vulnerable? Do the organizations you work with protect your information?
9 Web assisted classes Hybrid class structure Combines in class meetings and online content 2 hours in computer classroom 1 credit delivered online (equivalent to one classroom hour)
10 What is online learning? Class interaction and learning delivered using technology Online site combines readings, quizzes, and discussion forums Pace uses Blackboard course management software to administer online courses
11 Pace Portal First year using the Pace portal Allows you to register, see your grades, and access other information Go to Pace Web site and try to access Portal
12 Your Pace Official university communications will be sent to your Pace from Blackboard (this course) will come to your Pace Need Pace to register for personal web space
13 Finding your ID Find your ID in Pace Student Directory (link to Directory from Enter your first name and last name Your ID and Alias will be displayed You will need ID to access your student and access Blackboard Your Alias is another account name others can use to you
14 Access your Pace Go to Initial password is social security number with no dashes and no spaces Enter ID and password (lower case) For further instructions on setting up Pace go to
15 Using STmail All sent to Pace services (doit, etc) must originate from your student account All Pace communications will be sent to your student account To forward student account to another account: Click Options and styles, select forwarding, enter you want messages forwarded to
16 Sign on to Blackboard Username is Pace ID Password is the same as the portal
17 What if it doesn’t work? Access class documents at Post message at
18 CIS101 Blackboard Site Syllabus and course schedule Assignments Course content Discussion Board (post message under welcome) Student Tools
19 Try it out! Read Course syllabus Class schedule CSIS student rights and responsibilities Post your introduction in the Discussion Board
20 Your grade Homework/Assignments - 20% Discussion Board - 20% Midterm - 15% Final - 20% Group mid-semester presentation – 10% Group Web Site – 15%
21 Excel 2003 Part of Microsoft Office Word, Access, PowerPoint How to start Excel Windows and tools in Excel 2003 interface Saving in Excel
22 Practice with Digital Drop Box Try out the digital drop box Save Excel file with yourlastname_yourfirstinitial_test01.xls Example: dwyer_c_test01.xls jones_j_test01.xls Go to student tools, digital drop box, select send file
23 How to participate in the online portion of CIS101 Read your Pace student or have it forwarded Participate in to Discussion Board each week Keep up with assignments Assignments – description of each week’s homework, class, and readings Syllabus – course schedule
24 Week 1 Assignments Complete Excel Project One and submit to digital dropbox (must use Excel, not Works!!) use naming convention lastName_FirstInit_excel01.xls Discussion board assignment for Computer and Society, and Security
25 Next week Bring your Excel text to class See you online!