The Blackboard Experience at Westminster Kingsway College Presented by: Monica Or, Clare Mannall, Jeff Taylor
In the beginning…. BlackboardWhiteboard Smartboard Virtual Learning Environment
Getting to grips with Blackboard Demo of how Blackboard was used –Announcements –Uploading lesson notes Clare to comment on implementation of this for lecturers
Getting interactive with Blackboard Demo of how Blackboard is currently used for Travelodge –Discussion Forums –On line quizzes –Use of Grade book –On line marking Jeff to give student’s viewpoint
The development of Blackboard Demo of developments for The Army so far –The text box –Wikis –Blogs Monica to explain developments to move to total e-learning
What IQER had to say The areas of Good Practice are: Core theme 1 - Academic Standards The role of the VLE in the delivering and submission of assessment The range and variety of assessment The robustness of our quality procedures The quality of feedback and the use of on-line feedback Core theme 2 - Quality of Learning Opportunities Extent of employer & practitioner involvement in our programmes Career guidance and progression to further HE study Core Theme 3 – Public Information Use of VLE in providing students with programme and module information
The Future – Blackboard and Facebook?