30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers From manuscripts to metadata: collaborative working in the Archives Hub Amanda Hill University of Manchester
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Archives Hub Describes archives in UK higher and further education institutions Aims to give an overview of all the archival collections held by each institution These archives include primary materials of all types: data sets, research papers, photographs, diaries, stone tablets, feathers…
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Technology EAD – Encoded Archival Description XML/SGML files Cheshire II search and retrieval software, adapted for EAD by the University of Liverpool Online data creation form for archivists and librarians
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Facts & Figures Over 13,000 archive collections, covering a broad range of subject areas More than 60 institutions taking part Freely available: over 15,000 searches logged each month
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Funding Funded by the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) Further £880,000 ($2 million) recently announced for next 3 years £780,000 ($1.8 million) in total has been provided for content creation in contributing repositories
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Management Overseen by CURL (Consortium of University Research Libraries) Delivered by MIMAS at the University of Manchester Guided by Steering Committee and Contributors’ and Users’ Forum
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Forthcoming developments Moving from a centralised to a distributed model Investigating incorporation of name authority files, using Encoded Archival Context (EAC)
Current data flow Archives Hub Server: centralised repository of data Institutions
Current search interfaces Web Archives Hub Server Z39.50
New model Archives Hub Server Data Hub ser interface
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers How it works Z39.50 is used to harvest the remote data and the indexes to the data once a day The indexes of the data are combined into a ‘meta-index’ centrally, which is searchable through the Archives Hub web interface
New search interfaces Local Data Hub user interface Repository web interface Combined data Z39.50
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers ‘Spokes’ Each spoke has its own customisable web interface, which searches just that repository’s records Archivists/librarians are able to update and delete files without having to contact the Archives Hub team The software is open source: free to academic institutions
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Search log, May 2003 shipbuilding industry Shanghai Municipal Council phytoremediation lawn mowers cencus 1841 paisley Missippi pineapple butt rot
30 May 2003IASSIST 2003: Strength in Numbers Contact details Tel: +(44) (direct line) web: