Normalization of Database Tables
Topics Role of normalization in the database design process Normal forms 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF Normalization & ER modeling used together for good database design Denormalization
Normalization Process for evaluating/correcting table structures to minimize data redundancies Reduces data anomalies Series of stages called normal forms 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF For many purposes, 3NF is good enough Sometimes denormalization (to a lower normal form) is advised
Example A company manages building projects Charges clients by hours spent on each contract Hourly billing rate depends on employee’s position Report: Table 5.1
Report converted to table
Goals of Normalization Process Each table represents a single subject No data item will be unnecessarily stored in more than one table All attributes in a table are dependent only on the primary key (or a candidate key) Each table void of insertion, update, deletion anomalies All a product of data redundancy
Conversion to First Normal Form Eliminate any repeating groups They represent multi-valued attributes – bad!!! Eliminate nulls: each repeating group attribute contains an appropriate data value Identify the primary key (PK) Must uniquely identify all attribute values Identify all dependencies Dependencies depicted with a diagram
Dependency Diagram
What is the PK?
Conversion to 1NF First normal form describes tabular format in which: All key attributes are defined There are no repeating groups in the table All attributes are dependent on primary key
Conversion to 2NF Eliminate partial dependencies Only relevant if PK is composite
Conversion to 3NF Eliminate transitive dependencies
Improving the Design Issues to address beyond normalization Evaluate PK assignments Evaluate naming conventions Refine attribute atomicity Identify new attributes Identify new relationships Refine primary keys for granularity Maintain historical accuracy Evaluate derived attributes
Higher-Level Normal Forms Tables in 3NF perform suitably in business transactional databases Higher order normal forms useful on occasion Two special cases of 3NF: Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) Fourth normal form (4NF)
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) Every determinant in table is a candidate key Has same characteristics as PK, but was not chosen to be primary key When table contains only one candidate key, 3NF and BCNF are equivalent Table can be in 3NF and fail to meet BCNF Happens when a non-key attribute is the determinant of a key attribute
In 3NF but not BCNF
Fourth Normal Form (4NF) Table is in 4NF when It is in 3NF No multiple sets of multi-valued dependencies Not an issue if tables conform to these rules: All attributes are dependent on PK, and are independent of each other No row contains two or more multi-valued facts about an entity Example – see Fig. 6.10 & 6.11, pp. 196-197
Normalization and Database Design Normalization is part of the design process Proposed entities must meet required normal form before table structures are created Many real-world databases have been improperly designed or burdened with anomalies Normalization is necessary if you are asked to redesign and modify existing databases
Denormalization Creation of normalized relations is important database design goal Processing requirements should also be a goal With normalization, the number of tables expands Joining the larger number of tables reduces system speed Conflicts often resolved through compromises that may include denormalization`