Tuesday, March 11, 2008 New Web-Tools Tuition & Fees, User Fees, Initiatives
Introduce New Web-Tools Tuition and Fees User Fees Initiatives Demo & Questions Upcoming Dates Today’s Agenda
All fees charged to students must be approved by the Board of Trustees Tuition and fee schedule is part of the annual operating budget adopted in late June and implemented on July 1 Tuition and fee schedule is maintained and administered by Bursar’s Office Tuition & Fee Requests
Undergraduate and Graduate Tuition Resident/ Non-Resident Full-Time/Part-Time Board Mandated Fees Technology Fees All lab fees, program fees, department fees, enrichment fees Housing, Parking, Meal Plans, etc Tuition & Fee Requests
Estimated Resident Undergraduate Cost per Semester Academic Years to
Allocation of Undergraduate Resident Tuition Board Mandated Fee Distribution
Required Tuition & Fees per Semester for Full-time Students Current to Proposed
Senior & Regional Campuses Required Tuition & Fees per Semester for Full-time Students Current to Proposed
Charges from one unit to another Unit handles billing Not currently approved by the Board of Trustees – but approved by administration User Fees
Expression of new or expanded programmatic needs for the upcoming fiscal year Not a “wish list” - but a tool for communicating programmatic needs for the next year Provide a process where units can request funding to support the expansion of existing programs or the development of new programs to you Link Blueprints to budget requests Provide a process where a Vice President can communicate a prioritized listing of divisional funding needs for meetings with President What is an Initiative?
Reallocation of current funding New State funding Other external funding Tuition increase Where Does Initiative Funding Come From?
USC Columbia Undergraduate Tuition & Required Fees
USC Columbia Campus – FY 2008 New and Continuing Recurring Funding Recommendations
USC Columbia Campus – FY 2008 New and Continuing Non-Recurring Funding Recommendations
Word documents and Excel files difficult to manipulate Volume of requests Time to “roll-up” tuition, fees, user fees and initiatives Follow-up on submissions Why Change From the Paper Templates to Web-Based System?
Budget Office website: XI- Budget Tools Novell login and password required Budget Office will provide additional access as needed Information is responsibility specific Where Are New Tools Located?
USC Charges & Fees Website Initiatives Website DEMO
All Tuition & Fees, User Fees and Initiatives are due Monday, April 1, 2008 EXCEPT – System campus tuition and board mandated fees Initiatives must be printed and submitted with Blueprints Upcoming Dates
Questions and “roll-up” - out to University Administration - April 1-7 Meet with Bursar’s Office and UTS - April Vice President’s meet with President - May 1-May13, 2008 Preliminary Tuition & Fee and Initiative Funding for BOT - May 20-June 13 BOT Executive Committee reviews and approves preliminary budget – June 18 Full BOT reviews and approves FY2009 budget – June 27 Upcoming Dates