Emergence of the internet. Basics of internetworking UC Santa Cruz CMPS 10 – Introduction to Computer Science 6 May 2011
UC SANTA CRUZ Homework #3 Will be an assignment working with Context Free Art Described in class today Context Free Art is a domain specific programming language for creating computer-generated artwork Program is freely available, PC/Mac/Linux Standalone version works in PC labs (BE 109) In the assignment, you will 1.Take an existing context free art program and modify some of the numbers in it, and then describe the impact on the final artworks generated 2.In the same program, you will add a few new lines to the program, and then describe the impact on the final artworks 3.For extra credit, you can write a context free art program that is completely new (from scratch), describe how it works, and give an example of some artwork
UC SANTA CRUZ Homework #3 Assignment due Friday, May 13 Help sessions: Tuesday, May 10, 3-5pm, E2 307 Thursday, May 12, 4-6pm, location TBD Assignment details now on web
UC SANTA CRUZ Lecture overview This lecture involved watching part of Nerds 2.0.1, episode 1 These videos give an overview of the emergence of the Internet Following the video, the lecture involved an on-board presentation of the following concepts: Packet switching Circuit switching IP address The role of routers in the Internet