EBP APPLICATIONS Can determine width of active profile if depth of no motion (closure depth) is known or can be estimated h*h* w*w*
BEACH RESPONSE TO CHANGE IN SEA LEVEL What happens to profile as sea level goes up or down ? Sea level rise causes profile retreat because just after rise profile is too steep Recall that so if h increase, dh/dy must decrease to maintain D * ? BIG QUESTION ? How far should the profile retreat?
SEA LEVEL RISE Red indicates regions of the southeastern United States that would be below sea level for regionally uniform rises of one, two, four, and eight meters.
BRUUN RULE Given some known rise (or fall) in sea level determine the profile retreat (or advance) Determined in terms of horizontal recession and sea level rise Dean and Dalrymple, 2002) Arises from the profile shifting landward and upward with a sea level rise.
EDELMAN METHOD Removes requirement that S<<B Where Bo is dune height Dean and Dalrymple, 2002)
STORM SURGE ASSUMING EBP Requires iteration Dean and Dalrymple, 2002)