PHSC 1003 Undergraduate Bulletin and Handbook Procedures Galore
PHSC 1003 What and Where is the Bulletin? What Rules and regulations governing your studies at ASU Does more than just state the classes you need to take; has information about services found on campus Often mistakenly called the Student Handbook Printed yearly; can use any bulletin under which you attended ASU to graduate Has information relevant to faculty and staff Where No longer printed; found exclusively on the Internet Found through the Registrar’s site
PHSC 1003 What and Where is the Handbook? What Rights and responsibilities concerning your studies at ASU Rules and regulations on your conduct and behavior Covers much of the same material as Bulletin, but goes into greater detail Where Found through the Student Conduct Office site
PHSC 1003 What are in these? Academic Calendar Description of all degrees and courses History of University Fee Information Academic Policies and Regulations University Services Activities and Organizations Faculty Credentials
PHSC 1003 Calendar Important dates to check on First day of classes Add/Drop period Last day to withdraw without academic penalty Final exam period Remember some information is in here for faculty and staff
PHSC 1003 Advising/Tutoring Services Before registering for courses each semester, will need to see your advisor Requirements for degree found in Bulletin Tutoring for general education courses found in Learning Assistance Lab (back of Library through Honor’s entrance)
PHSC 1003 Dropping Courses Can drop a course up to the end of the first week of classes without it showing on record or paying for it WN assigned if do not show up for course within first two weeks; DO NOT USE THIS!! Can drop up until the 12th week without academic penalty (W on transcript) Too many W’s is not a good sign; some places count it as an F
PHSC 1003 Incompletes A grade of "I" (incomplete) is appropriate on the final grade roster when a student fails to meet all course requirements for reasons beyond his/her control, i.e., illness of the student, or serious illness or death in the family, or extended research projects at the graduate level. Procrastination, pressure of work in other courses, or work not connected with the student's school load are not satisfactory reasons for an "I" grade. All "I" grades must have prior approval of the chair of the department in which the course is offered,
PHSC 1003 Attendance Policy Many faculty in large classes do not take roll after first 2 weeks University attendance policy - FR/SO cannot miss more than twice the number of weekly meetings; F if you do If you unexpectedly miss class, you need to contact the instructor as SOON AS POSSIBLE
PHSC 1003 Suspension Students will receive academic probation at the close of any enrollment period (fall or spring semester) when their current semester or ASU cumulative GPA is below Academic probation status will be removed at the end of any enrollment period when both the current semester and ASU cumulative GPA are 2.00 or above. Students receiving academic probation are strongly encouraged to counsel with an academic adviser or call the Wilson Advising Center at (870) Readmission process is undergoing re-write this semester
PHSC 1003 Repeating Courses Can repeat up to 18 hours of courses for which received a D or F If grade is better, it will replace previous grade in GPA calculation, but stays on transcript Recomputing of GPA only occurs once and must be petitioned
PHSC 1003 Grievance Procedure When a student feels that their academic rights have been violated: Must first consult with the course instructor within 10 working days of the complaint issue/incident and try to resolve the complaint. If no resolution and wish to pursue matter, must consult with department chair within 15 working days of issue/incident. Chair will consult with both parties seeking a resolution and notify student in writing within 10 working days of findings (copies instructor on message). If no resolution and wish to pursue matter, student files a written complaint with chair that specifies 1) rights violated, 2) date of incident, 3) any evidence, 4) contact info of witnesses, and 5) requested remedy
PHSC 1003 Grievance (cont.) Chair will undertake a formal investigation of charges. Will notify student and faculty member of findings within 10 working days. If acceptable, signing to that effect. If one party does not agree, they can appeal to the dean within 10 working days. Must address why the agreement is not acceptable. Dean then does investigation and reports results. If agreement is not reached at this level, then have 10 working days to file for a hearing before the college hearing committee.
PHSC 1003 Services Counseling Center (Suite 2222, SU) University Police ( ) Disability Services (Student Union 2181) Financial Aid ( ) Career Services (Student Union 2167) Student Health Center (attached to First Care facility on Stadium)
PHSC 1003 Social Organizations You are never to young to start networking? American Chemical Society student affiliate chapter Pre-pharmacy Club Assignment - Find information about one organization at Club Fest (Sept. 20)
PHSC 1003 General Education Program Communicating effectively. Thinking critically. Using mathematics. Using technology. Understanding global issues. Developing a life-long appreciation of the arts and humanities. Developing a strong foundation in the social sciences. Using science to accomplish common goals. Providing foundations necessary to achieve health and wellness. Understanding interdependence.
PHSC 1003 Faculty Pedigree Tells where faculty received their education Tells what rank faculty member is Tells when came to ASU Ex. JOHN PRATTE, 2006 Professor of Physics Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics B.S., University of Texas—Austin Ph.D., University of Colorado—Boulder