Measurement of Fly Rod Spines Graig Spolek
Modern fly rods Hollow, tubular, and tapered Manufactured of carbon fiber reinforced plastic Formed by layering pre-preg (graphite imbedded cloth) around a mandrel
Mandrel Pre-Preg
Finished Rod Exhibits: Variable Diameter Variable Wall Thickness
Increasing Wall Thickness Wall thickness adjusted by varying overlap of pre-preg 3 wraps3 ¼ wraps 3 ½ wraps
Rod Spine Preferential plane of bending Align rod hardware to maintain bending during fish fighting that causes static bend in rod.
Rod Resists Bending in this Direction Rod Freely Bends in this Direction
Increasing Wall Thickness No Spine Increasing Spine Maximum Spine Decreasing Spine No Spine 3 wraps3 ¼ wraps 3 ½ wraps
Push Down Here Hold Tip Rotate Rod Rest Rod Butt on Floor Method for Location of Rod Spine
Static test Yields average spine orientation over whole rod Maximum influence of spine orientation at point of maximum deflection
Measurement of Rod Spines Measures local spine Measures magnitude of spine by comparing maximum and minimum force required for specified deflection Allows location of spine orientation
F L Axial Rotation Rod
Model of Spine Due to Pre-Preg Overlap Develop model of material distribution Calculate Moment of Inertia (I) due to distribution of material Accommodate different orientation
Model Inputs Measured from actual production rods Outside diameter - D O Wall Thickness - t Angle of Layer Overlap - θ
DoDo θ t Outside diameter - D O Wall Thickness - t Angle of Layer Overlap - θ
Comparison of rod section to model
yiyi dA i
C, δ, E, L = constant
COMPARISON: MODEL & EXPERIMENT Experiment measures: Model predicts:
RESULTS 1234 PointRod 123Rod 114Rod 117Rod 118Rod 122 ExptModelOverlapExptModelOverlapExptModelOverlapExptModelOverlapExptModelOverlap Missing Missing
QUESTION: Do these agree? Can the differences be attributed to measurement uncertainty or is the model incorrect?
Uncertainty in Moment of Inertia
Estimate for Partial Derivative
For small individual uncertainties
So the uncertainty in I can be estimated by the root mean square of the finite perturbations in I, ΔI, due to the measurement uncertainties
DoDo θ t Outside diameter - D O = 0.350” ± 0.003” Wall Thickness - t = 0.028” ± 0.004” Angle of Layer Overlap - θ = 90º ± 5º
Estimate of ΔI max DODO t (n=4)θI max (*10 -5 )ΔI 0.350”0.028”90º ”0.028”90º ”0.028”85º ”0.032”90º185564
Estimate of ΔI min DODO t (n=4)θI min (*10 -5 )ΔI 0.350”0.028”90º ”0.028”90º ”0.028”85º ”0.032”90º167552
The final result is the ratio of the inertia values
Substituting values
Final value for ω Ratio
Comparison of Model and Experiment Model Uncertainty:± 6.26% Experimental Uncertainty: ± 5%