Internet Presentations of Technological and Abstract Knowledge Shiau-Lung Chu, 2001
The Comparison Learning by doing Learning by sharing Learning by thinking
Knowledge Construction Build up learner ’ s own knowledge is a important part of learning. Teacher is a learning promoter, not a instruction controller. Active learning
Knowledge Organization Organization Memory Apprenticeship Collaborative work
Strategies: Learning Map Show the whole subject of the course Show remaining portions of the course Help for personalized learning
Strategies: Tell story with movie Generate discuss Make movie by teamwork
Strategies: Story in Storyboard Tell story or scenery with text Relay work
Strategies: Information Manage Tool Bulletin board as a information manage tool Combine with function Personalized setup for classification Keep data as a notebook Group discuss
Strategies: Inter-course Consult Combine related course and teacher Learner be able to get help Learning companions sharing
Conclusion From instructional design to learning environment design From scattering to integrated From performance to competence Lots of information, lots of hard work, lots of learn (for both student and teacher)