Dr Abdollahi
LMA The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is an ingenious supraglottic airway device that is designed to provide and maintain a seal around the laryngeal inlet for spontaneous ventilation and allow controlled ventilation at modest levels (<15 cm H20) of positive pressure.
This device is available in seven sizes for neonates, infants, young children, older children, and small, normal, and large adults. This device is available in seven sizes for neonates, infants, young children, older children, and small, normal, and large adults.
LMA generally unsuitable for use in the conscious emergency room patient. The index finger of the dominant hand is used to guide the LMA into the hypopharynx until resistance is felt, and the cuff then is inflated with the appropriate volume of air.
It is important to check by capnography, auscultation, and visualization of air movement that the cuff is correctly positioned and has not produced obstruction from downward displacement of the epiglottis.
The laryngeal mask airway is available in seven sizes : 1. size 1, neonates or infants up to 5 kg (4 mL); 2. size 1.5, infants 5 to 10 kg (7 mL); 3. size 2, infants or children 10 to 20 kg (10 mL); 4. size 2.5, children 20 to 30 kg (14 mL); 5. size 3, children or small adults weighing more than 30 kg (20 mL); 6. size 4, normal and large adults (30 mL); 7. size 5, large adults (40 mL).
Colour coding change to account for colour blindness
The Combitube is another supraglottic airway device that can provide an emergency airway when conventional means are not effective or possible.
The Combitube has been used successfully in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and probably presents a lower risk of esophageal rupture than the older esophageal obturator airway.
Combitube is contraindicated for patients less than 5 feet tall and those with intact gag, esophageal disease, or caustic ingestion.