Coordinating Statewide Virtual Library Development: The Minnesota Experience David Barton OCLC Site Search Conference May 3,2000
What is? A new statewide information system that links –public libraries (c.400) –academic libraries: public & private (c.100) –government libraries (c.20) –special libraries : not-for-profit –school libraries: in other automation systems –selected databases So that they appear to the user as a single resource
The Vision Behind MnLINK All people in Minnesota will have access to a wide array of high quality library services and global information resources in a range of formats whenever, wherever, and however the information services are needed.
System X: –a shared library automation system for all Mn. public colleges and state govt. libraries + private academic, public, school, and not-for profit libraries which choose to join. The Gateway – Web/client servers and interface software to allow approved automated systems to link with System X and each other. Basic Components
LAST: The Library Automation Strategy Team Resulted from: –Need for Major Minnesota Library Automation System Upgrades –Previous cooperation in Minnesota –Small group meeting informally Resulted in: –LPTF charged by legislature to “explore feasibility of combining LUMINA (UM) and PALS (MnSCU)”
LAST - Participants J Minnesota State Colleges and Universities J University of Minnesota J Private Colleges J MINITEX J Minneapolis Public Library J St. Paul Public Library J Pioneerland Regional Library J Higher Education Services Office
LAST Activities sDiscussion of Issues sCoordination of Activities sEnvironmental Scanning sCommittees Established s Scoping s Process of Change s ILL s Focus Groups sFall Retreat
LAST - Features Represented –over 95% of Minnesota academic libraries –the two largest municipal libraries –a multi-county regional library –a significant special library consortium Planning and technical expertise
Benefits 1996 Connections to information resources from anywhere at anytime using World Wide Web. Direct access to the catalogs of nearly all Minnesota libraries –Expanded research capabilities – Opportunities for expanded resource sharing.
Benefits 1996 Cooperative electronic access to databases. – Indexes and full text of magazines articles and images to read, print out or download. –Consortia buying power Facilitate collaboration in libraries in acquisitions and technical processing. Creates a Minnesota Virtual Library.
Governance & Operations 1996 Governance: Library Planning Task Force Established by legislature in 1994 Project Mgr./Fiscal Agent: HESO Operational Services contracted to: –MnSCU/PALS, UM, others as needed. Leverages existing expertise. NO NEW BUREAUCRACY
1997: Funding Initial Funding from Legislature –$12,000,000 for one-time hardware, software, technical support and training OnGoing Funding : –System X or Regional Public Library Annual operating costs assessed to participants Members may contribute to replacement fund for future software and hardware upgrades.
How did we get here? Small group with a vision. Sold idea to others. Timing was right. –Legislative desire for UM/MnSCU sharing. Library cooperation. Technology funding. –State $ urplus
The result? 1996: –Legislature gives $150,000 for planning. –UM and MnSCU agree to share system. 1997: –Legislature gives $12,000,000 for MnLINK –August: RFP issued. –November: Proposals received 1998: –April: Vendors selected. –Gateway: OCLC Site Search and DRSS
1997 Vendor Selection: Who Chooses Vendors? Library Planning Task Force (LPTF) Based upon a recommendation by the Vendor Evaluation Task Force (VET) Which receives input from Working Groups
1997 Vendor Selection: Library Planning Task Force 23 persons appointed by – LDS director (6) – Governor (4) – MnSCU chancellor (3) – UM president (2) –CFL Commissioner (2) –Private College Council president (1) –MINITEX director (1) –Commissioner of Finance (1) –Commissioner of Administration (1) –HESO director (1) –OT Commissioner (1)
1997: Vendor Selection Vendor Evaluation Team 16 persons –3 MnSCU/PALS –3 University of Minnesota –1 Private colleges –2 Public libraries –2 K - 12 libraries –1 Special libraries –1 Multi-county, multi- type –Ex-officio (non- voting): HESO, LDS, MINITEX
1997: Vendor Selection Working Groups 8 Functional Teams –OPAC (inc. Gateway Interface) –Circulation –Cataloging and Database Maintenance –Acquisitions and Serials –ILL (inc. Gateway) –Technical Architecture and Implementation (inc. Gateway) –Records conversion and migration –Accounting and Fiscal Operations (inc. Gateway)
IMPLEMENTATION NEEDS Governance Structure Administrator Operations Staff Policy and Working Groups –Steering Committee –Contract Negotiators –Server Site Administrators Group –Interface Design
IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Develop Project Plan –Schedule appended to contract –OCLC Project Team –MS Project Software
Marketing the Project To Librarians –Enhanced Resources –Status –Financial Remuneration To Library Users –Enhanced Access to Resources Electronic Physical PR ACTIVITIES Site Visits Bookmarks, Table Tents, Flyers Web Site Newsletter
Interface Design Gateway Interface Group –Technical Practitioners Steering Committee –Policy Decisions Follow-up – Usability Testing
Success Factors PeoplePeople - gotta’ be influential. TimingTiming - gotta’ be right. SerendipitySerendipity - gotta’ be lucky. People -People - gotta’ be cooperative. ProcessProcess - gotta’ be inclusive. DetailsDetails - gotta’ be later.
functional phases for the Gateway: Web interface to resources (1999) - Provides a web interface to multiple library catalogs and databases and controls access through authentication. Interlibrary loan system (2000) - Handles users’ ILL requests and allows Minnesota librarians to manage ILL requests.
& Use Z39.50 to create a virtual state library by linking 8 different vendors’ library automation systems. CARL DRA DYNIX GEAC III NOTIS PALS SIRSI
What Libraries does the Gateway Link? ¦4 Univ. of Minnesota campuses ¦7 State Universities ¦31 Community and Technical Colleges ¦14 Private Colleges ¦20 Public Library Systems ¦ 7 School districts (up to 384 possible) ¦20 Special Libraries (more possible)
Databases on Gateway NOW Gale Group: General Reference ProQuest Discovery OCLC First Search selections MULS ERIC
Databases on Gateway JULY 1, 2000 Gale Group: –General Reference –Expanded Academic –General Business –Health Reference –Computers –Info Trac Junior Bell & Howell: –Selected Newspapers MULS ERIC
Web Site Links via Gateway Minnesota Newspapers Minnesota Government Minnesota Sports Minnesota Entertainment Minnesota Recreation News Weather Business Search Engines
Authentication Search groups of library catalogs and databases Save records Advanced searching - refine, sort, browse. Search history Create customized groups Help Features
The Next Phase Resource sharing via the Gateway –Using OCLC Distributed Resource Sharing Software (DRSS) –Installed on servers at Minnesota State University, Mankato and University of Minnesota, Twin Cities –Manages ILL requests for participating libraries –Going Live in latter half of 2000.
Coordinating Statewide Virtual Library Development: The Minnesota Experience David Barton OCLC Site Search Conference May 3,2000