October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 1 The University of Science and Technology. And Life. William W. Durgin (508) Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Vice President for Research Campus Resources for R&D
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 2 WPI Resources Faculty Experts Bright Students Great Laboratories Intellectual Property
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 3 WPI Needs Corporate Experts & Expertise “Real World” Problems Equipment Access to Specialized Resources Financial Support
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 4 WPI Offers World-Class Research Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics Aerospace Engineering Analog Integrated Circuit Design Artificial Intelligence/Intelligent Tutoring Systems Bioengineering Bioinformatics Biomaterials Biomechanics Bioprocessing Biotechnology Catalysis Civil Infrastructure Composite Materials Computational Modeling Computer-Aided Manufacturing Cryptography Data & Knowledge Base Systems Data Mining and Visualization Drug Design and Synthesis E-Commerce Enterprise Resource Planning Environmental Engineering
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 5 WPI Offers World-Class Research Fire Protection Engineering Fuel Cells Gas and Plasma Dynamics Highway Safety Holography Industrial Math & Statistics Information and Network Security Inorganic Membranes Machine Vision Manufacturing Medical Imaging Medical Sensors Metal Processing Networking and Distributed Computing Nanotechnology Photonics Satellite Navigation/Geolocation Software Engineering Spacecraft and Electric Propulsion Surface Metrology System Dynamics Tissue Engineering Ultrasound Propagation Wireless Networks
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 6 Institutes Metal Processing Institute –Advanced Casting Research Center –Center for Heat Treating Excellence –Powder Metallurgy Research Center WPI Bioengineering Institute –Center for Bioprocessing and Tissue Engineering –Center for Comparative NeuroImaging –Center for Untethered Healthcare –Center for Molecular Engineering
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 7 Research Centers Assistive Technology Resource Center Center for Firesafety Studies Center for Holographic Studies and Laser Micro-mechaTronics Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics Center for Inorganic Membrane Studies Center for Nuclear Technology and Society at WPI Center for Research in Electronic Commerce Technology Center for Research in Exploratory Data and Information Analysis Center for Sensory and Physiologic Signal Processing Center for Wireless Information Network Studies Convergent Technologies Center Fuel Cell Center Haas Technical Center for Computer-controlled Machining Manufacturing Assistance Center The New England Center for Analog and Mixed Signal IC Design
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 8 Collaborative for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Venture Forum –Monthly Forum –Radio Program –Business Plan Writing Workshops –Business Plan Contest –Special Events Coalition for Venture Support –Capital –Land and Buildings –Management –Technical Assistance
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 9 Sponsored Research Graduate Students/Post Doc’s Fraction of faculty member’s effort Laboratories, computers, shops, etc. Proposal/scope of work Usually contract, but other vehicles too Budget includes indirect costs
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 10 Technology Licensing Federal Support for Research –Bayh-Dole Amendment Corporate Supported Research –Non-exclusive license –Negotiation of exclusive license Further Development/Research
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 11 Corporate Graduate Fellowships Participate in ongoing research program Collaborate with a faculty member Year by year fellowship for graduate student Invitation to serve on committee No scope of work, no deliverables Educational support, no indirect costs included Cost effective way to establish a research relationship Costs approximately $32,000 per year
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 12 Graduate Internships Short-term work assignment at company Integral part of educational plan/credit bearing Typically summer and a semester Compensated at a rate appropriate to employment at that level Special considerations for international students
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 13 Projects Corporate Sponsored Projects Graduate Qualifying Projects Work with faculty members to develop scope One year lead time
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 14 Other Corporate Partnership Opportunities Research Advancement Gifts Laboratory Access –Bioprocess Technology Laboratory –Fire Science Laboratory –NMR Facility Beta Testing Site Sabbaticals/IPA’s Consultants
October 16, 2003WPI Services for Corporations 15 Thank you for being here! WPI looks forward to working with you and your company to develop a multifaceted, mutually beneficial relationship. Please contact WPI Corporate Relations for more information on anything mentioned in this presentation.