1 VRML As a Collaborative Design Tools For Architectural Students Chris Yeung, John Bradford, Guyver Cheng, Eric So
2 VRML As a Collaborative Design Tools For Architectural Students §Introduction §Project Description §Project Status §Future Direction §Conclusion
3 Introduction §Architecture students often design 3-D objects. § They used to design individually. §Use different software on different hardware platforms. §Hard to present 3-D models.
4 Introduction cont... §World Wide Web is popular. §VRML -- Virtual Reality Modeling Language §Platform independent. §Affordable
5 Project Description §Develop a Web-based application to help architecture students design 3-D models collaboratively. §Use VRML, Java, JavaScript to develop the application.
6 Project Status
7 Project Status cont...
10 Future Direction §Add all not-yet-implemented features. §Lower the requirement for processing power. §Make application more user-friendly. §Carry out testing sessions to collect user responses for the application.
11 Conclusion §Web-based technologies: ¦ VRML ¦ Java ¦ JavaScript can help architecture students in collaborative designs.